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Expats The UK will reduce the number of migrants: what changes for highly skilled workers

The UK will reduce the number of migrants: what changes for highly skilled workers

The United Kingdom has announced plans to reduce the number of migrants arriving in the country through legal channels. London plans to increase the minimum wage they should receive for skilled work by a third. Learn more about the changes for highly skilled workers in 2023/2024 in the UK

28 Dec. 2023

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Travels 6 Best Places To Celebrate New Year 2024 Around The World

6 Best Places To Celebrate New Year 2024 Around The World

As the New Year approaches, the question of where to spend this wonderful day becomes especially relevant. Winter holidays are a real fairy tale and the perfect time for new experiences, crazy emotions, and wonders. Find out more about the countries where you can spend an unforgettable winter vacation

28 Dec. 2023

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For refugees Fighting illegal migration in Germany: the policy of total control of German borders

Fighting illegal migration in Germany: the policy of total control of German borders

The German government continues to fight illegal migration. A prerequisite for achieving positive results is enhanced control at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Read more about the latest decision of the German Minister of the Interior Nancy Feser

27 Dec. 2023

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Popular French immigration reform: what will change for foreigners in 2024?

French immigration reform: what will change for foreigners in 2024?

Every year, the French government presents an overview of its immigration policy to the parliament, providing detailed information on the number of immigrants and asylum seekers. Starting in 2024, migrants will face significant changes. Find out more about what updates were approved by the new immigration law and how the French leadership reacted to the new migration law

27 Dec. 2023

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Travels Christmas in another hemisphere: how to cope with climate change

Christmas in another hemisphere: how to cope with climate change

Big life changes, such as moving to another country or continent, affect most areas of life, including Christmas traditions. If you find yourself in a different hemisphere where the climate is different from the traditional winter scenario, you will have to adapt to the new conditions and find new ways to create a festive mood. Learn more about how to get used to celebrating Christmas in another hemisphere

25 Dec. 2023

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Expats How to survive Christmas alone abroad: tips for expats

How to survive Christmas alone abroad: tips for expats

Christmas is a unique holiday season that is associated with warm family gatherings, joyful smiles, and the smell of mom's cookies. But for expats living abroad far from their homeland, this holiday can bring feelings of sadness and loneliness. Find out more about how to have a fun Christmas away from home

24 Dec. 2023

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For refugees Changes in German legislation: new rules for deportation of asylum seekers

Changes in German legislation: new rules for deportation of asylum seekers

The German Cabinet of Ministers has adopted new legislation aimed at facilitating deportation procedures for rejected asylum seekers. The changes in the legislation are seen as an attempt by the country to make the process of selecting those who can be granted refugee status more efficient and restrained. Learn more about the new migration rules in Germany

23 Dec. 2023

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Expats 11 Financial Mistakes To Avoid When Relocating Overseas

11 Financial Mistakes To Avoid When Relocating Overseas

When moving to another country, you need to keep your financial situation under control. Too often, expats are enthusiastic about planning everything for life in a new country, but fall short when it comes to organizing their finances. We have compiled the top most common financial mistakes that expats should avoid when relocating overseas

22 Dec. 2023

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