
Fighting illegal migration in Germany: the policy of total control of German borders

For refugees
Fighting illegal migration in Germany: the policy of total control of German borders

The German government continues to fight illegal migration. A prerequisite for achieving positive results is enhanced control at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Read more about the latest decision of the German Minister of the Interior Nancy Feser

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German Minister of the Interior Nancy Feser expressed confidence in the positive results of control on the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland regarding illegal migration. She announced the extension of border controls for at least two months after December 15.

Extension of temporary border controls in Germany

"Our measures are working," - the minister emphasized, stressing the success of the fight against "the unscrupulous business of migrant smugglers who brutally risk human life."

Since October 16, the Federal Police has recorded about 9,200 cases of illegal entry on the borders with the Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland alone. This indicates a significant amount of control and the effectiveness of measures taken to combat illegal migration.

Border controls on the borders with Poland and the Czech Republic were introduced in September and later extended to Switzerland. Despite the growth in the number of refugees in Germany, which has reached a new high in recent decades, the number of refugees from Ukraine remains stable.

The German Ministry of the Interior also reports that one in four illegal migrants from third countries enters Germany through smuggling networks. Most of them come from Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq.

These measures are a response to the refugee crisis of 2015-2016. The government is stepping up control measures, and Minister Feather points out the need to continue these actions to effectively manage migration flows.

Migration crisis in Germany

This fall, Germany has seen an increase in the number of refugees, reaching a new high in recent decades. It is worth noting that the number of refugees from Ukraine increased slightly in the first half of this year, which indicates the stability of this migration direction.

At the end of September, Germany introduced flexible and stationary controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. These measures are aimed at managing migration flows and preventing illegal entries.

According to the German Ministry of the Interior, one in four illegal migrants from third countries enters Germany through the efforts of smugglers. Most of them come from Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Iraq, which emphasizes the relevance of border control and the need for further measures to ensure security and effective management of migration processes.

Igor Usyk - Head of Legal Department at Visit World

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