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3 min

Work Employee rights after termination in the United States: a detailed guide

Employee rights after termination in the United States: a detailed guide

Employees who are terminated at the initiative of their employer have certain rights: final pay, health insurance renewal, severance pay, unemployment compensation, etc. Learn more about a number of steps that can help protect the rights of employees in the United States after losing their jobs

22 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Investment Environmental investments in real estate: how Green invest can make portfolio sustainable

Environmental investments in real estate: how Green invest can make portfolio sustainable

In today's world, the real estate industry is witnessing a shift towards eco-consciousness. As our world faces growing environmental challenges, the demand for green real estate investment has skyrocketed. Find out more about what green or sustainable real estate is, what are the benefits of investing, the disadvantages and risks, and how to make your property more environmentally friendly

21 Dec. 2023

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3 min

For refugees French migration legislation: the policy of the revolving door

French migration legislation: the policy of the revolving door

Paris is changing its tactics - migration legislation will be stricter. A new draft law has been submitted to the government to solve the problem of the influx of illegal migrants. Find out more about what awaits migrants in France and what changes are expected in 2024

21 Dec. 2023

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3 min

Expats Category codes on the Canadian visa application form: main types and characteristics

Category codes on the Canadian visa application form: main types and characteristics

Canada remains an attractive country for migration, offering a wide range of immigration and work opportunities. However, to apply for a visa, especially for permanent or temporary status, you need to understand the different categories that exist on the visa application form. Learn more about the category codes on the Canadian visa application form and what they mean

20 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Work Ranking of the best countries for employment of foreigners: where will it be easiest to find a job in 2024?

Ranking of the best countries for employment of foreigners: where will it be easiest to find a job in 2024?

Europe is the most popular option for relocation and employment. Find out which European countries will be the best choice in 2024 for those looking for a decent job with high pay

20 Dec. 2023

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Investment Investing in commercial real estate: strategies and challenges

Investing in commercial real estate: strategies and challenges

Commercial real estate has long been a popular investment destination for both individuals and businesses. Find out more about the benefits of this type of investment, the disadvantages and risks, the key success factors for investing in commercial real estate, and how to get started on the path to investing in commercial real estate

19 Dec. 2023

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3 min

Travels Unique Christmas traditions from around the world

Unique Christmas traditions from around the world

Christmas is a wonderful winter holiday that adults and children look forward to. This holiday comes to us in the light of the stars, the singing of the church choir and the sounds of children's voices. Heaven and earth glorify the birth of Jesus, and everyone's hearts are filled with goodness and joy. Find out more about how Christmas is celebrated around the world

18 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Popular Migration to the EU: current changes in the migration legislation of European countries

Migration to the EU: current changes in the migration legislation of European countries

Today, the world celebrates International Migrants Day. In 2022-2023, the level of migration in European countries reached peak levels. Find out more about how many foreigners currently live in the EU and what changes were made to migration legislation by states in 2023

18 Dec. 2023

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