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3 min

Investment What is investments: Definition & Types

What is investments: Definition & Types

In today's world, it is difficult to overestimate the role of investments in achieving success and financial stability. Whether you have a dream of starting your own business, expanding an existing company, or improving your personal skills, investments can be a key factor in your journey to achieve your goals. Learn more about how investments work, their benefits and strategies

17 Dec. 2023

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Work The best entry-level jobs for expats: working abroad without experience

The best entry-level jobs for expats: working abroad without experience

If you're looking for a job abroad with no experience, there are a variety of options to consider. However, it is important to keep in mind that each country may have its own requirements and restrictions for foreign workers. Learn more about the best and most popular entry-level jobs for expats

16 Dec. 2023

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Investment What is the secret of smart investments: a guide for beginners

What is the secret of smart investments: a guide for beginners

Investing can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start or what to invest in. However, making smart investment decisions is crucial in the beginning. Learn more about what smart investing is, how to become a smart investor, and the best investment options for beginners

15 Dec. 2023

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Expats Useful resources and services in Germany for expats: how to make life abroad easier

Useful resources and services in Germany for expats: how to make life abroad easier

Living abroad, especially in Germany, can be a challenge, but there are a variety of useful resources and services to help you adapt and get the information you need. Learn more about the most popular apps that will make life in Germany easier

15 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Expats Why is Spain the best country for digital nomads?

Why is Spain the best country for digital nomads?

Over the past few years, digital nomadism has become a way of life, and the list of countries offering visas is only growing. However, Spain is recognized as one of the best countries for digital nomads. Find out more about why Spain is the best country for digital nomads in 2024

14 Dec. 2023

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Expats Starting a business in Germany: a detailed guide

Starting a business in Germany: a detailed guide

Germany, a country with a strong economy and significant potential for growth and development, attracts many entrepreneurs who dream of starting their own business abroad. This is not surprising, as Germany offers a stable business environment and extensive infrastructure. Learn more about the specifics of starting a business in Germany

14 Dec. 2023

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Work Top countries in Europe for living and working: highest salaries, conditions, ease of employment

Top countries in Europe for living and working: highest salaries, conditions, ease of employment

Are you planning to start a new life in one of the European countries? Find out more about the top 5 countries in Europe to live and work in, which offer great job opportunities and a healthy work-life balance

13 Dec. 2023

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3 min

Expats How to get a divorce in Germany?

How to get a divorce in Germany?

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process that involves numerous legal aspects. In Germany, divorce is regulated by a highly developed legal system, and a thorough knowledge of the law helps to understand its nuances. Learn more about the specifics of the divorce procedure in this country

13 Dec. 2023

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