
EU Blue Card in Cyprus: the island's management has approved a new permit for highly qualified workers

Residence permit
EU Blue Card in Cyprus: the island's management has approved a new permit for highly qualified workers

Cyprus has introduced work permits, known as the EU Blue Card. It is predicted that the new visa will simplify the procedure for highly qualified workers to move to the country and solve the problem of a shortage of qualified personnel in certain sectors. Find out what is already known about the new permit and the procedure for obtaining the document

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On July 11, the Parliament of Cyprus approved a new law that complies with Directive (EU) 2021/1883 on granting the EU Blue Card to highly qualified specialists. This initiative is designed to attract expats from non-EU countries to live and work in Cyprus.

The benefits of a blue card and the procedure for applying for a permit are discussed in this article.

What is the EU Blue Card?

The EU Blue Card is a residence and work permit in one of the European countries for highly qualified workers. It can be issued by citizens of states that are not members of the union. The card makes the procedure of employment in Europe much easier for specialists. The permit can be issued in most EU countries, except for Denmark and Ireland. This initiative aims to make Europe an attractive place for talent from around the world to work by offering a simplified path to employment and residence.

Benefits of the EU Blue Card work permit

1. The right to legally work in positions experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel and receive a competitive salary.

2. Moving with the family - spouse and children under 18 years of age.

3. A simplified path to permanent residence and citizenship - a permanent residence permit can be obtained after 33 months, and citizenship after 5 years.

4. Equal treatment and access to services – EU blue card holders enjoy the same working conditions, training opportunities and social benefits as citizens of the host country.

5. Mobility within the EU – after 12 months of residence in an EU country, blue card holders can move to work in another EU member state. For this, it will be necessary to obtain a new permit.

Requirements for candidates to obtain a Blue Card in Cyprus

To obtain an EU Blue Card in Cyprus, the candidate must:

- Have a valid job offer from a Cypriot employer or an employment contract for a highly qualified position, lasting at least six months.

- The salary level must be within the threshold of 1 to 1.6 of the average annual salary in Cyprus, approximately 20,000 to 32,000 euros.

- Demonstrate a high level of education (minimum 3 years) or have three years of relevant professional experience.

The procedure for obtaining an EU Blue Card permit in Cyprus

The procedure for issuing a blue card consists of 6 stages:

1. Check whether you meet the requirements for issuing the document.

2. Find a job offer in Cyprus.

3. Prepare the necessary documents for obtaining a Blue Card.

4. Go through the qualification verification procedure - the employment contract and proof of qualification must be submitted to the Department of Labor for verification.

5. Apply – once your qualifications have been approved, a complete application for an EU Blue Card and all necessary documents must be submitted to the Department of Civil Migration. This step is crucial for the application to be reviewed according to legal and eligibility standards.

6. Wait for the request to be processed. The duration of the processing of documents for obtaining an EU Blue Card is a maximum of 90 days. If you have not received a response within the set time limit for processing your request, please contact the immigration service.

List of documents for obtaining a Blue Card of Cyprus

- Application – filled out by you or your employer (in two copies and with a signature).

- Valid passport with at least two blank pages and its copy.

- Two photos.

- Employment contract with a Cypriot employer.

- Confirmation of the relevant professional level (diploma of higher education, confirmation of continuous professional work experience in your field).

- Confirmation of the appropriate salary level.

- A written statement from your employer indicating the reasons for employment and the benefits of your cooperation.

- Licenses.

- Current resume.

- Confirmation of payment of the contribution.

- Confirmation of medical insurance.

- Confirmation that you do not pose a threat to public policy, security or health in the host country.

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Why did Cyprus introduce the Blue Card?

The main goal of introducing the Blue Card in Cyprus is to solve the problem of labor shortage and attract highly qualified specialists to Cyprus. It is expected that the new permit will have a significant positive impact on the country's economy. Attracting highly qualified professionals, Cyprus aims to become a center of innovation and technology, focusing on the IT and communication sectors.

Currently, the Cypriot authorities are in a transitional phase regarding the issuance of the cards and the practical application of the rules. The new permit is expected to be valid for 12 to 24 months.

We will remind you! Greece, Estonia, Italy and Slovakia have simplified the criteria for obtaining an EU Blue Card. This decision was made in order to attract foreigners with professional qualifications. It is predicted that the new rules for obtaining a Blue Card in these EU countries will increase the number of expats in these countries.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe move to a new country, I advise you to consult a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with a legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Cyprus;

Legal advice on immigration to Cyprus;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Cyprus;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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