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Popular Non-CRS countries that guarantee banking privacy in 2024

Non-CRS countries that guarantee banking privacy in 2024

More than 120 countries have already become members of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) system. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly difficult to legally protect your financial position from prying eyes. Learn more about how to legally diversify your finances in non-CRS jurisdictions in 2024

28 Apr. 2024

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Work Employment in Germany 2024: work visa, vacancies and other important details (updated)

Employment in Germany 2024: work visa, vacancies and other important details (updated)

Finding a job in Germany in 2024 is not an easy task for expats. It all depends on the availability of vacancies in the German labor market and the lack of applicants among the local population. Find out more about the procedure for obtaining a work visa and the specifics of finding a job in Germany in 2024

27 Apr. 2024

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Treatment Pros and cons of the Greek healthcare system

Pros and cons of the Greek healthcare system

Many tourists choose to travel abroad to receive high-quality medical services. In particular, the healthcare system in Greece has modern medical technologies and is in demand. Find out more about why healthcare in Greece is the oldest in the world, its advantages and disadvantages, and the cost of medical services in Greece

26 Apr. 2024

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Popular Real estate rentals in Bali: how to get a stable passive income

Real estate rentals in Bali: how to get a stable passive income

Bali is the most popular region for buying real estate among foreign investors. The island's tourism sector is constantly developing and the demand for real estate is growing every year. Most owners of apartments in Bali have earnings from rental properties. We tell you how to get a stable passive income from your own real estate in Bali in 2024

26 Apr. 2024

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Expats How to get residency in the Cayman Islands and pay zero tax in 2024?

How to get residency in the Cayman Islands and pay zero tax in 2024?

Every year, more and more foreigners apply for residency in the Cayman Islands. This British overseas territory attracts entrepreneurs with tax benefits, high economic and legal stability. Learn more about the peculiarities of the procedure for obtaining Cayman Islands residency in 2024

26 Apr. 2024

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Investment Caribbean Citizenship by Investment in 2024: Comparison of Programs

Caribbean Citizenship by Investment in 2024: Comparison of Programs

Obtaining citizenship through investment programs provides a privilege - alternative citizenship and the opportunity to settle in another country. Learn about Caribbean Citizenship by Investment, which Caribbean countries offer citizenship by investment in 2024 and what are their advantages

25 Apr. 2024

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Expats Moving to Australia for permanent residence in 2024: visa, citizenship and other important nuances

Moving to Australia for permanent residence in 2024: visa, citizenship and other important nuances

Moving to Australia for permanent residence attracts migrants from all over the world. Despite the geographical remoteness, foreigners are attracted by the high standard of living, developed economy, beautiful landscapes and high-quality healthcare. Find out more about the peculiarities of moving to Australia, the conditions for obtaining a visa and citizenship in 2024

25 Apr. 2024

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Residence permit Residence permit in Belgium in 2024: available types and application procedure

Residence permit in Belgium in 2024: available types and application procedure

In order to start living in Belgium, foreigners must have certain identity documents and a residence permit. Learn more about the types of residence permits in Belgium, how to obtain a temporary or permanent residence permit, the list of documents and other important details

24 Apr. 2024

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