
Moving to Australia for permanent residence in 2024: visa, citizenship and other important nuances

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Moving to Australia for permanent residence in 2024: visa, citizenship and other important nuances

Moving to Australia for permanent residence attracts migrants from all over the world. Despite the geographical remoteness, foreigners are attracted by the high standard of living, developed economy, beautiful landscapes and high-quality healthcare. Find out more about the peculiarities of moving to Australia, the conditions for obtaining a visa and citizenship in 2024

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Australia is considered to be one of the most attractive countries for emigration from different parts of the world. In particular, residents of Western and Eastern Europe and Asia are actively considering moving to this country. This is understandable, as Australia has one of the highest living standards in the world. According to statistics, the largest number of migrants arrive in Australia from New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

The country is known for its open and welcoming immigration policy. The main ways to obtain citizenship include business immigration, independent professional and regional professional immigration.

The process of obtaining citizenship in Australia is simple, but requires compliance with certain criteria, including age, professional experience, education, and others. Each candidate for citizenship is awarded points that take into account various aspects of life and career. The more points a candidate has, the higher his or her chances of successfully obtaining citizenship.

Australian migration policy in 2024

The immigration program to Australia is designed for people who are of significant interest to the country: financially stable foreigners, professionals in the field of arts and culture, or experts in their field.

The main advantage of the independent immigration program is the possibility of obtaining emigrant status even without having family in Australia. Applicants for immigration are awarded points, where the minimum number of points is 60. Points are awarded for education, specialty, work experience, age and level of English language proficiency.

The emigration program is characterized by relatively lenient requirements for applicants. Thus, the main requirements include being under 45 years of age, successfully passing the IELTS language exam with at least 6 points in 4 categories, having your specialty on the list of skilled professions (MLTSSL), and not having serious illnesses that require expensive treatment. For a successful move to Australia, it is also important that both the applicant and his/her family members do not have any criminal records. 

Moving to Australia on a work visa in 2024

Every year, the Australian government publishes a list of SOLs - the most popular professions for which a work visa is granted. It includes:

1. Finance: accountants, auditors (internal and external), insurance specialists;

2. Construction: landscape designers, construction managers, design engineers, architects, bricklayers, carpenters, painters, glass workers, plasterers, welders;

3. IT sector: system analysts, programmers-analysts, programmers-developers, telecommunication system engineers, radio communication technicians;

4. Energy and motor vehicles: auto mechanics (all areas), electricians with high tolerance;

5. Medicine: almost all specialties, there is a great demand for nurses, psychologists and veterinarians;

6. Shipping: crews, ship construction and maintenance engineers;

7. Cooks;

8. Plumbers and plumbers.

The following types of work visas for moving to Australia are the easiest to obtain:

1. Independent work visa (subclass 189). This visa allows you to move to Australia on your own if you score the required number of points. It gives you the opportunity to reside in Australia on a permanent basis, bring your family and obtain citizenship. The application fee is 3755 Australian dollars, and the application processing time is usually 8-9 months;

2. Temporary work visa. This visa allows you to work in Australia for up to 4 years. After the expiration of the term, it can be extended or changed to another type of visa according to the needs.

Additional requirements for obtaining a visa:

1. Age under 45 years;

2. Certificate of language proficiency;

3. Medical report (also HIV test);

4. Health insurance policy;

5. Certificate of no criminal record.

Family immigration to Australia in 2024

Obtaining a family visa in Australia is based on kinship or marriage with Australian citizens. It allows for residence and employment permits for family members or partners of Australian citizens.

A family visa is granted in the following cases:

1. Spouse of an Australian resident if they have been married for more than a year;

2. Fiancé/fiancée, where the visa is issued for 9 months to legalize the relationship;

3. Parents of Australian residents, although the number of permits issued is limited, and the annual quota is about 7 thousand.

The main advantage of a family visa is the ability to obtain permanent resident status after 2 years of stay in the country. To obtain this visa, it is necessary to confirm family ties or a stable marriage relationship with an Australian citizen, as well as the financial ability to accept and support a new immigrant.

For safe relocation to any country in the world, obtaining citizenship and employment, take the advice of an international lawyer. We help to solve complex and simple issues for your comfort and safety in any part of the world. 

How to obtain Australian citizenship in 2024?

Australian citizens have the right to travel without visas to many EU countries and other countries of the world. To obtain Australian citizenship, you must have lived in the country for at least 4 years. Australia has historically been a country of immigrants, so the attitude towards citizens with two passports is loyal. Many indigenous Australians also have a second passport, reflecting the country's cultural diversity.

Citizenship by birthright

A child born in Australia and residing there for at least 10 years automatically becomes a citizen of the country, regardless of the legal status of the parents. If the child was born outside Australia and one of the parents is an Australian citizen, the child is also recognized as a citizen. However, there is an exception for children of diplomats who do not acquire Australian citizenship under these rules.


The process of naturalization in Australia requires legal residence in the country for at least 4 years, with the possibility of being absent from the country for up to 12 months, but not more than 3 months during the last year. 

Naturalization also involves the submission of all necessary documents, including a signed oath of allegiance to the British Crown, as Queen Elizabeth II is the official ruler of Australia. In addition, the candidate must pass a test of knowledge of Australian history and culture to successfully complete the naturalization process.

Family reunification

Australia recognizes a variety of family and marital relationships, including same-sex partnerships, as grounds for relocation and citizenship.

Persons who intend to move to Australia and obtain citizenship include:

1. Legal spouses and persons in a “civil union” or same-sex partners: the relationship must last for at least 12 months, with proof of no mercenary motives for moving. The partners must express their intention to live together in the future;

2. Bride and groom: persons who intend to enter into an official marriage in the future;

3. Children, parents and other relatives: an Australian citizen can sponsor the relocation of relatives, such as children and parents, by undertaking to provide them with financial support.

These categories of persons have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit and citizenship in Australia, provided that they meet the requirements for the duration and stability of the relationship or the sponsor's obligation to provide support to relatives.


Australia actively attracts investors and businessmen who can make a significant contribution to the development of its economy. The program for granting citizenship to businessmen has clear requirements:

1. Age: no more than 54 years (exceptions are possible under the conditions);

2. Business experience: at least 2 years of successful business management with active participation in its development and promotion on the market;

3. Legal income: it must be confirmed that all income received from the business is legal and earned in an honest way;

4. Health status: no chronic or serious illnesses that may pose a threat to others;

5. Realistic business strategy: the applicant must present a detailed plan for starting and managing the business. Any misrepresentation of information may result in denial of citizenship and deportation.

This program is aimed at talented entrepreneurs who wish to establish a successful business in Australia and at the same time meet the requirements of honesty, legality and responsibility.


The investment program in Australia, launched in 2012, has attracted the attention of many investors and significantly increased the inflow of capital into the country's economy. The Australian authorities actively promote citizenship for people who make significant cash injections into the economy. An investor must invest at least $5.5 million in the country's economic development to obtain a simplified visa (class 888).

Each applicant for citizenship must pass the IELTS language test or another test recognized in Australia, as well as a test of knowledge of the country's culture, history and legal system. The test is conducted via computer at the Australian Department of Migration and Citizenship or at other sites around the country. An additional interview may be held after the test.

The test is open to persons aged 18 to 60 years, with a minimum of 75% correct answers.

After successful completion of all stages and paperwork, the applicant is invited to a solemn ceremony of awarding the Australian passport. As a rule, an invitation letter to this ceremony is sent within 30-90 days, which indicates the time and place of the ceremony. If you are unable to attend, you must notify the organizers.

This procedure is completed by taking the oath of an Australian citizen and obtaining a certificate of civil rights.

Daria Rogova, Head of Insurance at Visit World

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Australia;

Legal advice on business issues in Australia;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Australia;

Medical insurance around the world.

We monitor the accuracy and relevance of our information. Therefore, if you see any error or discrepancy, please write to our hotline.

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