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2 min

Expats Non-Dom status in the UK: what it allows and what changes have been approved in 2024

Non-Dom status in the UK: what it allows and what changes have been approved in 2024

In recent years, the UK Non-Dom program has been repeatedly criticized and is about to undergo its first changes. Find out more about what this program is, who it is designed for, and what rules will apply in 2024

10 May. 2024

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Investment In which countries is it possible to obtain citizenship for investments in 2024?

In which countries is it possible to obtain citizenship for investments in 2024?

Investing in the economy of another country is one of the easiest ways to acquire citizenship. Find out more about the best countries that offer expats favorable conditions for obtaining citizenship for investment in 2024

10 May. 2024

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Travels Access to the EU countries in 2024: how the EES and ETIAS systems work

Access to the EU countries in 2024: how the EES and ETIAS systems work

The EES (Entry-Exit System) may be launched as early as October this year, and soon it will be supplemented by the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). Find out what changes will take place in the near future and what tourists and expats will need to consider when entering and leaving the EU

09 May. 2024

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Expats Moving to Egypt for permanent residence in 2024: necessary documents and visa requirements (updated)

Moving to Egypt for permanent residence in 2024: necessary documents and visa requirements (updated)

Despite the exoticism and cultural peculiarities of Egypt, a large number of expats are considering this destination for permanent residence. And this is not surprising, as the country offers an affordable cost of living, a warm climate, and endless opportunities for recreation. Learn more about visa requirements and necessary documents for moving to Egypt in 2024

09 May. 2024

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Treatment The healthcare system in Finland: a detailed guide for expats

The healthcare system in Finland: a detailed guide for expats

Finland has a public (universal) healthcare system, which means that everyone can receive medical care and other related services here. However, depending on the purpose of the foreigner's stay and the country of origin, the conditions for obtaining such services and their cost may differ. Find out more about the healthcare system (public and private), health insurance, emergency services and medical tourism in Finland

08 May. 2024

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Expats Start-Up Visa in Canada: how foreigners can start a business in 2024

Start-Up Visa in Canada: how foreigners can start a business in 2024

Canada is on the lookout for talented entrepreneurs to boost the country's economy and create new jobs for local residents. Every entrepreneur interested in starting their own business abroad can take advantage of the new Canadian visa program. Learn more about the features and procedure for obtaining a Start Up visa in Canada in 2024

08 May. 2024

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Residence permit Moving to Thailand for permanent residence: important nuances in 2024 (updated)

Moving to Thailand for permanent residence: important nuances in 2024 (updated)

Every year, more and more expats dream of moving to Thailand for permanent residence because of its golden beaches, affordable prices, and relaxed pace of life. If foreigners cannot obtain citizenship of this country, it is quite possible to obtain a residence permit. Learn more about the requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Thailand in 2024

07 May. 2024

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Travels Top 10 tourist destinations in the world where pickpocketing is most common

Top 10 tourist destinations in the world where pickpocketing is most common

Unfortunately, no one is immune from pickpockets, and sometimes even preliminary training and awareness of this issue do not help protect against criminals. And as you know, such cases are most common in tourist cities. Find out which popular locations in Europe have the highest risk of becoming a victim of a pickpocket and where you should be most cautious

07 May. 2024

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