
Employment in France in 2024: how an expat can find a job, labor market and work visa

Employment in France in 2024: how an expat can find a job, labor market and work visa

Obtaining a work visa and signing an employment contract are important steps for those planning to work in France. Learn more about the important nuances of the employment procedure in this country

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Order an insurance policy for safe travel, stay or work abroad

France is recognized as one of the most favorable countries in Europe for labor migrants. According to Eurostat, 7.6% of the country's population come from other countries. Thanks to its developed economy, convenient geographical location, climate, nature and infrastructure, France has become one of the most popular countries among expats looking for a new life abroad. The state is also distinguished by favorable conditions for work and a strong social sphere.

How to move to France for work? A detailed guide for foreigners follows.

The labor market in France

The unemployment rate in France is now slightly above the EU and Eurozone average. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research, the figure is 7.1%.

As in many other European countries, unemployment in France is highest among the under-25 age group, so the country has seen an increase in the number of migrants in recent years. However, the French government recently announced plans to introduce migrant worker quotas to control the workforce in certain industries. This will affect migrants from outside the EU, who normally need a work visa to work in France. EU citizens have the same employment rights as French citizens, with the exception of some government jobs.

Where can expats work in France?

France's main industries are aerospace, automotive, pharmaceuticals, industrial engineering, electronics, finance, food and beverage, and tourism.

The largest corporations in France are: AXA, BNP Paribas, Carrefour, Crédit Agricole, EDF, L'Oréal, Michelin, Orange, Peugeot, Renault, Société Générale and Total.

If you want to find a job in France, it is important to know French. If you don't speak French but do know English, you might consider becoming an English translator, tour guide, executive director, pilot, marketing director, or insurance agent. All these and other vacancies are in demand in France.

In which specialists is there a shortage in France?

According to local employment agencies, the most acute shortage is in the following personnel:

- IT specialists;

- Doctors;

- Builders;

- Engineers;

- Teachers;

- Agricultural workers;

- Workers for a warehouse or factory;

- Babysitters, housekeepers;

- Public catering workers: waiters, cooks;

- Sales managers, marketers.

The level of wages in France

The French government reviews the minimum wage every year. In 2024, it is €11.65 per hour or €1,766.92 gross per month, based on a 35-hour working week.

According to the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research (INSEE), the average salary for 2024 is €2,587 net per month or €39,800 net per year. However, this figure can be influenced by various factors such as location, education level, expat work experience and chosen field.

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Work culture in France

French companies are distinguished by a clear hierarchy and job descriptions. Strategies are usually long-term and planned only by senior staff. Punctuality is important, meetings are necessary, and negotiations are calm and formal.

The working week in France is 35 hours and is one of the shortest in Europe. From the 36th hour, the employee begins to receive payment for overtime work. The maximum number of working hours per week is 48.

Lunch time is 1-2 hours, annual leave is five weeks leave per year plus, and paid parental leave is provided.

The notice period for dismissal in French employment contracts is usually 1-3 months. Employers must follow certain procedures and guidelines when dismissing employees, and certain categories of workers (such as pregnant women and those on sick leave due to an accident) have special protections aimed at preventing them from being dismissed.

How to find a job in France?

There are many ways to find a job in France. Depending on the industry and specific position, you can choose one of the options or combine all of them at once.

1. EURES – EU citizens can search for a job in France on the EURES (European Employment Service) website.

EURES is a network of job portals supported by the European Commission and designed to facilitate free movement within the European Economic Area. In addition to looking for a job, you can post your resume and get advice on legal and administrative issues related to working in France or any other EU country.

2. The public employment service Pôle Emploi provides information on open vacancies, training courses and advice on finding a job in France. Also visit the АТЕС portal, which is a national employment agency for professional and managerial vacancies.

3. Job search sites:

- ABG – work for scientific and medical workers.

- Cadremploi – management positions.

- L’Etudiant – work for students and young graduates.

- L’Hôtellerie Restauration - work in restaurants and hotels.

- IAPA (International Au Pair Organization).

- Indeed France

- Les Jeudis

- The Local is a job for English speakers.

- Monster

- Recrut

- Stratégies Emploi – marketing, communications and PR.

4. Staffing agencies – You can subscribe to as many staffing agencies as possible. Search for names and contact details of employment agencies at the link.

Work visa to France

- EU and EFTA citizens

If you are an EU/EFTA citizen, you can work freely in France without a visa or permit.

- Citizens of third countries

Almost everyone else who wants to work in France will have to find a job first, and then the potential employer will apply for a permit for you to work. After that, you will be granted a work visa for the entire period of your stay and work.

The following list of documents will be required to issue a visa:

- Foreign and civil passports;

- Application form;

- 3 passport size photos;

- Employment permit;

- Signed employment contract;

- Certificate of medical examination;

- Resume or work book;

- Receipts for the payment of duties;

- Medical insurance.

The deadline for considering an application is up to a month.

Language requirements for work in France

If you want to get a job, you generally need a good command of French – even if the job requires you to speak English, you'll probably still need some French. Even if you work for a multinational company in France where English is the spoken language, you can improve your career prospects if you learn French.

Some jobs may require you to prove your knowledge of the French language or to pass a language test.

Employment in France is the way to a career in a country with a thriving economy, fair wages and long-term prospects. That is why in 2024 France remains an attractive place for professionals looking for new opportunities.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe move to a new country, I advise you to consult a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with a legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in France;

Legal advice from a local specialist on visa and migration issues;

Travel insurance for foreigners in France;

Medical insurance all over the world.

We monitor the accuracy and relevance of our information. Therefore, if you see any error or discrepancy, please write to our hotline.

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