Medicine in Mongolia and non-traditional treatment: medical services for foreigners
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Pharmaceutical skills and Mongolian medicine have a very long history, more than 3000 years old. Traditional Mongolian medicine (TMM) plays an important role in the Mongolian medical system. It is rather unknown in the Western world and represents an Asian medical tradition that was greatly influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, which flourished for centuries in the regions inhabited by the Mongols.
Their system of medical treatment was developed by the Mongols in their way of life and had significant differences from the medicine of neighbouring countries such as China. It is the ability to provide high-quality medical care for fractures, treat combat wounds, and conduct successful operations in the field of surgery that has become the reason for such popularity of Mongolian doctors. At the same time, treatment with natural preparations, herbs, and other non-traditional methods was mainly used. Further, the practice of medicine became widely used in Tibet.
In the field of medicine, Mongolia closely cooperates with neighbouring China. It is practiced in more than 8 administrative and provincial centres of China and Mongolia itself. The effect of treatment in the fight against incurable diseases is especially noticeable.
It should be noted that even tours for medical treatment to Mongolia are being developed in the tourism industry and are very popular among many travellers for medical tourism. All clinics in the country are accredited. Before treatment, a preliminary consultation with the doctor is carried out and an individual treatment plan is drawn up for the future. Often, non-traditional medical treatment based on Mongolian and Tibetan practice is combined with the use of modern medical equipment and always gives only a positive effect. However, these methods do not use chemical drugs. Phytotherapy is common here (thanks to natural resources, there are a lot of herbs in Mongolia), acupuncture (acupuncture), and even koumiss treatment (an ideal method for diseases of the upper respiratory tract).
Health infrastructure in Mongolia
In Mongolia, the healthcare system is represented by both public and private medical institutions. Most hospitals are located in the capital Ulaanbaatar. Quality medical care can be obtained:
1. Interned hospital. The modern hospital provides both inpatient and outpatient care to patients. The outpatient unit includes:
• ENT department,
• ophthalmology,
• neurology
• dentistry.
The hospital includes:
• general surgery services,
• paediatric department,
• block of obstetrics and gynaecology.
The hospital is also provided with modern equipment that provides early diagnosis and treatment. Some doctors have been trained by all international standards.
2. Hospital Ulaanbaatar Med. The main goal is to provide clients with world-class medical services by combining the achievements of Japanese medical technology and high professional ethics. Ulaanbaatar Med is the first general hospital with a joint investment from Mongolia and Japan. Hospital Benefits:
• day care unit organized according to Japanese standards;
• the first non-surgical treatment of structural changes in the neck and spine in Mongolia;
• use of ultra-linear therapy;
• direct delivery service for dietary products after haemodialysis treatment;
• one of the most modern technically equipped hospitals.
It should be noted that the local population receives medicines free of charge. First of all, these are people with disabilities and people with severe chronic diseases (oncology, diabetes, and others). The government also allocates funds to combat infectious epidemic diseases, in particular tuberculosis.
Medical services for foreigners
To date, the Mongolian health system provides services to residents for their characteristic diseases. For foreigners, this process is very limited. Therefore, when planning a trip to this country, an important condition should be the availability of an insurance policy issued before arrival. Such a policy must be of international standard and the larger the amount of insurance coverage, the better, especially in the current conditions associated with COVID-19.
You can buy insurance on our website, where you can choose this service of several categories, as well as travel insurance with covid coverage. Thus, the services are not provided directly at the local hospital, but by the host, the company indicated in the health insurance. Otherwise, the services of Mongolian clinics will be paid for. Despite all its unconventionality, the network of pharmacies is well-developed in Mongolia. It will not be difficult for you to buy the right medicine, because about 70% of medicines are imported from other countries.
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