Way of life in Qatar and how to obtain citizenship in the country

Qatar is a small Arab state located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country is adjacent to Saudi Arabia and borders the Persian Gulf. The area of Qatar is 11.5 thousand square kilometers, almost the entire territory is occupied by deserts, and there are no freshwater bodies. A population of fewer than three million lives mainly in the capital and on the eastern side of the peninsula.
Despite the sparse vegetation and the predominance of the desert landscape, the country has huge reserves of natural gas and oil. This factor makes Qatar one of the richest countries in the world with the highest GDP per capita – up to 95 thousand dollars. And the main sectors of the economy are the oil refining, petrochemical, chemical, and metallurgical industries.
Way of life in the country
Due to climatic conditions and a developed economy, migration and life in Qatar are of great interest to many citizens from other countries. The high standard of living in Qatar, free medicine and education, security, low taxes, and high salaries allow the citizens of this country to live comfortably. However, the living conditions of immigrants differ significantly from the level of indigenous people. If you are planning a trip to the country, then the ideal option is to buy a checklist (hyperlink).
Resident card
People wishing to work in Qatar require a permanent residence visa and a work permit. The employer acts as a local sponsor for the worker and arranges the necessary meetings to obtain a visa and permit. In case an employee gets a job in Qatar, they can apply for a residence permit in the country. So you need to approve a work visa and work permit, as well as undergo a medical examination and fingerprint scanning. The employer must submit documents to the Ministry of Labor.
Documents for obtaining a residence permit:
· an application for a residence permit in Arabic and English;
· a medical certificate;
· a copy of the commercial registration of the business;
· a copy of the company’s immigration card;
· 2 passport-size photos;
· the original of the passport;
· the original work visa;
· a sponsor’s passport if the employer is an individual.
After issuing a residence permit, a foreigner can work for an employer until the termination of his employment relationship, which must be renewed every few years.
How to get permanent residence in Qatar
Certain categories of people who are not citizens of Qatar can obtain a permanent residence permit in the country, but several conditions must be met:
· a period of residence of at least 20 years in Qatar for non-residents born outside of Qatar.
· a period of residence of at least 10 years for applicants born in Qatar.
· legal financial means sufficient for subsistence, with a minimum base salary of 20,000 QAR for civil servants and a total salary of 30,000 QAR for employees of the private sector.
· good behavior, no criminal record in or outside Qatar.
· a full command of the Arabic language.
The following are exempt from fulfilling the above conditions:
· children of Qatari women who married non-Qatari;
· a person who is the spouse of a Qatari citizen;
· children of naturalized Qataris;
· a foreigner who has rendered a great service to the state;
· people with special competencies that the state needs.
A person wishing to obtain Qatari citizenship can find out which category they fall into through the Permanent Residency Inquiry Service.
Persons who meet these conditions can apply to the Ministry of the Interior online through the e-services portal of the Ministry of the Interior. The Committee for the Issuance of Permanent Residence Permits under the Ministry of the Interior, after considering the application, sends its recommendations to the Minister of the Interior, who issues a residence permit.
Contacts and phones
Qatar Government Contact Center – Phones: +974 4406 9999, 109 Website.
Qatar Department of Immigration – Phone: +974 4010 6666
Emergency services in Qatar – 999.
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