
Medical care for migrants and tourists in Niger

Medical care for migrants and tourists in Niger

The Republic of Niger is a state in West Africa, which is named after the Niger River, which flows through the territory of the state. The capital of Niger is the city of Niamey. Most of the country is occupied by the Sahara desert. Niger has natural wealth, but the economy is very underdeveloped and the standard of living of the population is very low.

You must obtain a Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate before visiting Niger. Otherwise, they simply won't let you in.

The medical system in Niger

There are about 876 comprehensive medical centers, 2502 community health posts, and 36 health posts in the state. The amount of doctors is also insufficient for such a state with a population of 24 million inhabitants. And their qualifications, respectively, are also a big question. According to the Human Development Index, Niger ranks last in the world. Which negatively affects the state of medicine in the state. The bulk of medical services is provided by charitable, religious, and non-governmental organizations.

Large hospitals are located in major cities of the country:

  • the capital of Niamey
  • Zinder
  • Maradi
  • Tahua.

The Niamey National Hospital is the most modern public hospital in the capital of Niger. It provides a full range of medical and surgical services.

Lamorde National Hospital is also one of the best-equipped medical centers in Niger. It has radiological equipment and services for psychiatry, neurosurgery, and cardiology.

Among the newest medical centers, it is worth noting the Niger-Turkish Friendship Hospital, which was opened in 2018 with the support of the President of Turkey. There are also small clinics. But the opportunity to receive medical care there is limited due to the lack of professional medical workers. We recommend adding the possibility of evacuation and receiving medical care outside Niger to your health insurance before visiting the country.

It is possible to receive emergency assistance in Niger only in the capital and only during the day when it is light. Due to the unsatisfactory state of the vehicle fleet and the equipment of medical institutions, it is better to get to the nearest hospital on your own.

Buy Medicines in Niger

Pharmacies in Niger are not adequately monitored to meet quality standards for medicines. And you can buy medicines even in ordinary markets.

Illicit import and circulation of medicines is a huge problem. Therefore, up to 75% of drugs in pharmacies can be imported illegally or even be fakes.

When traveling to Niger, we recommend taking the necessary medications with you for the entire duration of the trip. If you still need to buy medicines, it is better to do this only in licensed pharmacies or pharmacy points at clinics.

Medical assistance for migrants in Niger

For migrants in each province, there are special centers for the provision of medical care. The Red Cross Society offers medical care in the province of Agadez. Here you can get an overnight stay and meals three times a day. If necessary, personal hygiene products are also available. Humanitarian aid is provided with state support. Such medical and humanitarian assistance is provided to all migrants absolutely free of charge. Similar help is available at the centers in Dirku and Arlit.

Thus, the level of medicine in Niger is quite low, but you can still count on basic medical care. It is better to be treated in big cities in large medical centers. And for the prevention of diseases or in case of common diseases, it is best to have medicines brought with you.