
Healthcare system in Luxembourg 2024: a detailed guide

Healthcare system in Luxembourg 2024: a detailed guide

One of the main advantages of Luxembourg for expats is its developed healthcare system with compulsory health insurance for all residents of the country. Learn more about the features, quality and cost of medical services in Luxembourg

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Order an insurance policy for safe travel to any part of the world

The Principality of Luxembourg is a small country with a highly developed healthcare system. Despite the prevalence of bad habits and alcohol consumption, the average life expectancy for men is 80 years and for women 84 years. Public healthcare in Luxembourg is based on the system of mutual medical and surgical insurance (CMCM) and is financed by the National Health Fund (CMS). The country's healthcare costs are lower than the European average, with 5.5-7% of GDP allocated to healthcare, which accounts for up to 85% of the total CMS budget.

Healthcare in Luxembourg is based on two main principles: compulsory health insurance and free choice of medical services for patients. Medical care in Luxembourg is of a very high standard and includes private medical offices, medical centers and hospitals, hospitals, patient care services, pharmacies, nursing and care facilities, and home care services. All medical offices operate separately. Hospitals and clinics are public institutions.

In our previous article, we mentioned that due to an acute shortage of specialists, Luxembourg is gradually easing the procedure for obtaining an EU Blue Card.

Main features of the healthcare system in Luxembourg

Primary healthcare in Luxembourg is provided by private medical offices that have an agreement with CMS. Secondary healthcare services include public hospitals and specialized clinics. Compulsory health insurance covers 80-100% of the costs of primary health care and 40-80% of the costs of specialized treatment and high-tech medical care.

All residents of the country, including permanent migrants, pay contributions to CMS. Pensioners, unemployed and disabled persons make deductions from their pensions and benefits. The annual amount of payments should not exceed 5% of income. Non-working family members and children of the payers can receive healthcare under a common card. Joint insurance is also available for parents and children under the age of 30 who are enrolled in higher education.

The health insurance system in Luxembourg covers a wide range of services provided on a first-come, first-served basis:

1. Visits to general practitioners and specialists;

2. Preventive examinations, screenings and vaccinations;

3. Analyzes and functional studies;

4. Correction of vision and hearing;

5. Contraception, pregnancy management and childbirth;

6. Emergency care;

7. Prescription drugs and homeopathy;

8. Basic dental treatment;

9. Hospitalization, surgeries and transplants;

10. Rehabilitation after injuries and serious illnesses;

11. Psychotherapy and psychiatric care.

In addition to CMS policies, up to 65% of the population uses VHI policies that cover out-of-hours doctor visits, premium fillings, treatment abroad, and single rooms. Extended health care is available through Mutual Insurance Companies (Mutuelles) and non-profit organizations. Some screenings are funded by government programs.

Doctors in Luxembourg do not accept insurance guarantees for payment - patients must pay on the spot and then send the bill to CMS or the insurance company. Foreigners with temporary visas are treated under commercial insurance, and EHIC cards and health insurance cards from countries that have bilateral agreements with Luxembourg, such as Turkey, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Morocco, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, are also accepted.

Main features of health insurance in Luxembourg

According to the current rules, any person staying in Luxembourg for more than 90 days is obliged to take out health insurance at the National Health Insurance Fund (Caisse Nationale de Santé - CNS). For additional medical services, expats often turn to private insurers.

Part of the employees' salary, which is 12%, is allocated to insurance premiums, and employers add another 12-15% of this amount. These contributions cover the cost of medical services for employees. People without insurance can pay for a visit to the doctor for the amount of 50 euros or more.

Features of the Luxembourg medical system include:

1.Financing of medical services is carried out through tax revenues;

2. All persons staying in the country are obliged to join the National Health Insurance Fund;

3. The healthcare system has been regulated by the CNS since 2008;

4. Almost all residents of Luxembourg (99%) are members of the CNS, and insurance is often a part of employment;

5. Patients have the right to choose medical institutions and doctors;

6. Health insurance operates on a reimbursement basis: the patient first pays for the services, and then the CNS reimburses the costs;

7. Public insurance covers 80% to 100% of medical expenses.

Planning a trip or move abroad? An important part of a successful trip is an insurance policy, as it guarantees high-quality medical care anywhere in the world and can protect you from unnecessary expenses while travelling.  You can buy insurance from trusted agents on the Visit World portal. 

Ambulance in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, emergency and ambulance services are provided free of charge both in hospitals and at the scene of an accident, regardless of whether the patient has insurance. You can call an ambulance by dialing 112, but the call must be justified by a life-threatening situation. 

In the case of non-critical conditions, they visit a general practitioner or make a house-call. Outside of business hours, emergency medical care is provided in urgent medical centers (maison medicinale) or in hospitals on duty. The on-call schedule is published in the press, on the Doctena and Luxweb.today websites, as well as in pharmacies and private medical practices.

How to make an appointment with a doctor in Luxembourg?

When applying for a CMS policy at the social insurance service, the patient chooses a personal therapist who deals with the initial appointment, issues certificates, refers to specialized specialists, inpatient care and examinations. Although an appointment with a doctor in Luxembourg is not mandatory - you can take a coupon from the administrator and wait for a consultation on a first-come, first-served basis, sometimes the wait can last 2-3 hours. Therefore, it is better to make an appointment by phone or online on the clinic's website.

The queues for general practitioners are usually short, and a consultation with a doctor in Luxembourg usually takes place a few days after the appointment. It may take several weeks or months to get an appointment with a CMS specialist, and the patient chooses the doctor. It is convenient to use the Medecins Specialistes website to find a specialist and make an appointment. It is also possible to get an appointment without a queue and a referral, but you will have to pay for the visit yourself or with the help of VHI. 

The cost of a consultation and a doctor's appointment in Luxembourg

Medical services without insurance in Luxembourg are expensive: the average cost of a doctor's appointment ranges from 50-100 euros, and a hospital stay will cost from 22 euros per day. For patients insured through CMS, the cost of a consultation is fixed, and the amount of co-payments is calculated individually, taking into account age, income, occupation, and health status. Dental treatment costs are reimbursed according to quotas, and complex surgeries and dentures are covered through the Surgical Fund.

Medicinal prescriptions in Luxembourg

The sale of medicines in Luxembourg is strictly controlled: doctor's prescriptions are issued in digital form and linked to the CMS policy. In pharmacies, electronic prescriptions are checked against ID cards. State insurance covers up to 80% of the cost of prescription drugs and up to 40% of the cost of over-the-counter medicines, while reimbursement under commercial policies depends on the terms of the insurance. To submit a claim, you need to provide the insurer with copies of prescriptions. A prescription for medicines can be obtained from a general practitioner, a specialized doctor, or an accredited consultant.

We remind you! The Duchy of Luxembourg is a small country in the heart of Europe that has attracted more and more expats in recent years. Read more about why foreigners are choosing Luxembourg in 2024, as well as about the benefits and prospects of moving to this country.

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Luxembourg;

Legal advice on immigration to Luxembourg;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Luxembourg;

Medical insurance all over the world.

We monitor the accuracy and relevance of our information. Therefore, if you see any error or discrepancy, please write to our hotline.

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