Ways to move to the Kingdom of Liechtenstein: obtaining a residence permit and permanent residence

The miniature state of Liechtenstein is considered to be one of the richest in the world. The country has an ideally developed banking system, a high level of the economy, and complete security of living. However, moving to live in the Kingdom of Liechtenstein is an impossible task. Foreigners here are welcomed as tourists exclusively.
Ways to move to the Kingdom of Liechtenstein
Like many small European countries, Liechtenstein does not seek to increase the number of subjects through immigration. To obtain a permanent residence permit (KMA), citizens of neighboring Austria and Switzerland must live in the Kingdom for 5 years at least. For everyone else, the minimum term will be 10 years plus. It should be noticed that citizens of non-EU countries are not welcome.
To obtain a residence permit, a foreigner must have the status of an official employee. However, finding an open vacancy in the country is extremely difficult. Even highly qualified specialists in target areas (electronics, optics, and instrumentation) are forced to go through a long process of document verification, qualification, and obtaining a work permit. If the candidate is lucky, he/she can count on high wages (the average salary of specialists is 5,000 euros) and obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP).
By the way, the maximum period for issuing a residence permit for citizens of the EU and other countries is 7 years. For its extension, considerable evidence of the need for the further stay of a foreigner in the territory of the Kingdom will be required.
Other ways to obtain a residence permit
• Marriage or family reunification
Registration of a residence permit based on marriage is a very complex and long process. It is not possible to claim the status immediately after the registration of the relationship. Spouses must confirm cohabitation for at least 3 years in Liechtenstein or outside it. At the same time, marriage will be considered a sufficiently compelling reason only if a citizen of Liechtenstein has a relevant status for at least 12 years and permanently resides in the Kingdom.
During family reunification, the circle of persons who can be invited is very limited: this applies to spouses and children only. Also, only citizens of Austria and Switzerland will be able to invite their parents.
• Confirmation of financial independence
Financial wealth must be confirmed by bank statements, which prove a monthly income from abroad of 5,000 euros at least.
• Refugee
You can get refugee status in Liechtenstein only if there is a real threat to life and health, which will be investigated by the criminal police. In this case, the Kingdom acts as a “last chance” for the refugee: one can apply for protection here only if there is a refusal in the EU countries.
Unlike most countries, Liechtenstein is not interested in business immigrants. Only those who have received citizenship in the country and lived in its territory for at least 10 years can open their company here.
However, opening an offshore bank account or a holding company, that is, one that operates abroad, is not difficult. Such investments in the economy will not give the right to reside in Liechtenstein but will be subject to extremely low-income taxes (only 3% of profits).
The acquisition of real estate is also not a sufficient reason for obtaining the status. A few years ago, the sale of real estate to persons with foreign passports was prohibited by law. Today, only certain areas are open for transactions, and the price is enormously high: an apartment will cost 300 thousand euros, and a small house - 1 million and more.
Obtaining a residence permit based on training in universities is also impossible. First, there are not many of them, and it is not easy to enter them. Secondly, most of the population prefers to receive education abroad.
Other possibilities of being in the country
Honestly, there are no other ways besides tourism. Liechtenstein is not part of the European Union but is a member of the Schengen Agreement. Therefore, you can visit this country with a Schengen visa and a permit issued by the Swiss Embassy. For advice on the procedure for issuing a visa and issuing a permit, please contact our specialists.
Fun fact: Liechtenstein generally prefers not to deal with immigration issues, so a foreigner will send and receive all the necessary documents in the diplomatic missions of Switzerland.
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