
Happiest Countries in the World 2024

Happiest Countries in the World 2024

The ranking of the happiest countries in 2024 has changed slightly, but the country has been the leader for seven years. Find out more about the top 10 happiest countries in the world in 2024 and how the calculation was made

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The level of happiness is a very important indicator that should be taken into account when analyzing the quality of life in different countries of the world. The ranking of the happiest countries has been created since 2002 on the basis of statistical analysis.

In 2024, there were some changes in the top ten, but the leader has been the same for seven years.

Which countries in the world are recognized as the happiest? The top 10 countries are further.

How is the calculation carried out?

As part of the study, experts interview residents of 149 countries around the world and take into account the following indicators: gross domestic product per capita, level of social support, life expectancy, freedom of independent choice, generosity of the population and perception of the level of internal and external corruption.

About 1,000 respondents are surveyed in each country. Based on the collected data, a rating is formed. The maximum possible number of points is 10.

Top 10 happiest countries in the world in 2024

10th place - Australia

Estimated happiness level in the country: 7.057.

Australia is back in the top ten of the World Happiness Report for the first time since 2018. The country has a high level of wages and the degree of employment of citizens. Life expectancy is also one of the highest in the world. Add to that the low level of corruption and fantastic nature - now Australians can consider themselves real winners.

9th place – Switzerland

National happiness score: 7,060.

Switzerland is famous for its nature, ski resorts, delicious chocolate and reliable banking system. It is a fairly neutral nation that does not participate in any conflicts in the world. The country has four official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh.

As for citizens, the Swiss are quite healthy, with one of the lowest obesity rates in the world and a long life expectancy. Residents of the country also have a very high average salary, about 75% higher than in the United States of America, and the highest GDP per capita among the top ten of the ranking. In addition, Switzerland has a strong sense of community and a strong belief that it is a safe and clean country.

8th place – Luxembourg

Estimated level of happiness in the country: 7.122.

In 2022, this small European country was ranked sixth, but this year it has dropped several positions.

Luxembourg is landlocked and borders Germany, Belgium and France.

With a population of less than 700,000, this very small nation scores highly on social connectedness, subjective well-being, freedom of choice and life expectancy. And while money can't buy happiness, Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in the world, where workers earn an average gross salary of almost €7,000 a month

7th place - Norway

Estimated happiness level in the country: 7.302.

Norway is the first of the Scandinavian countries mentioned in this list. It is famous for its fjords and northern lights and is a popular tourist destination.

The Norwegian government takes care of its citizens with a universal health care system and free college education.

Norwegians also enjoy a healthy work-life balance, working an average of 38 hours per week, compared to 48 hours per week in most countries around the world. In addition, Norway has a low crime rate.

And while Norway has been falling in the rankings over the last few years (in 2017 it was ranked first), there is no doubt that its social model remains quite successful.

6th place - the Netherlands

Estimated level of happiness in the country: 7,319.

The Netherlands is known for its windmills, colorful tulips and fantastic cheese.

The country scored the highest in the generosity category and also demonstrated an impressive lack of corruption. This is understandable given that the Netherlands is home to the world's main legal institutions, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, both located in The Hague.

Taking into account also the high level of wages and a well-developed social sphere, the inhabitants of the country feel very happy.

5th place - Israel

Estimated happiness level in the country: 7.344.

It may be surprising to find Israel near the top of the UN Happiness Index amid the country's ongoing war with Gaza. There is a simple explanation: the scores for individual nations are determined by averaging survey data from the last three years, specifically from 2021 to 2023. However, the collective sense of empathy and solidarity, and therefore the level of happiness, as also proven by the Covid-19 pandemic, usually increases when a crisis occurs.

Israel is a rich and dynamic country where people can rely on strong community ties and feel that they can decide how to achieve their goals in life.

4th place - Sweden

Estimated level of happiness in the country: 7.395.

The country that gave the world ABBA and the Ikea store is also known for its many forests and lakes. This Scandinavian country is said to have almost 100,000 lakes, and about 70 percent of its territory is covered in forests.

Sweden has the highest ranking for the lack of corruption, also ranks fourteenth in GDP per capita out of all 149 countries and fourth in life expectancy.

Sweden consistently ranks high among the world's happiest countries thanks to its wealth, strong social support network and the integrity of its bureaucratic institutions.

3rd place - Iceland

Estimated level of happiness in the country: 7.525.

For the second year in a row, Iceland ranks third in the list of the happiest countries in the world. With its charming scenery, low taxes and free healthcare and education system, the country is recognized as one of the best places to live in the world.

2nd place - Denmark

Estimated level of happiness in the country: 7,583.

Denmark has been named the second happiest country in the world for the fifth year in a row. The state was a founding member of many of the world's most important organizations: NATO, the UN, the Nordic Council, the OECD and the OSCE. Danes also score high on indicators of work-life balance, as well as a favorable environment and a developed health care system.

In fact, Denmark is even ahead of the ranking leader in several categories, including GDP per capita, generosity and perceived lack of corruption, so it cannot be ruled out that the country will soon find itself on the first step.

1st place - Finland

Estimated level of happiness in the country: 7,741.

Finland has been recognized as the happiest country on Earth for the seventh year in a row. The authors of the rating note the strong feelings of mutual support and mutual trust between the citizens of Finland.

Furthermore, Finns strongly feel that they are free to make their own choices and show minimal suspicion of government corruption. Both of these factors contribute significantly to overall happiness.

Another plus is the strong social sphere of the state. We should not forget about the fantastic nature - about 74% of the territory of Finland is covered with forests.

So, taking all this into account, it can be said that the homeland of Santa Claus and reindeer is the best place to live in the world.

The level of happiness in the country is an important indicator, so be sure to pay attention to it when planning a change of residence.

Daria Rogova, Head of Insurance at Visit World

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Photo: Courtesy of Adrian Cuj/Unsplash

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