Medicine in San Marino. The level and features of the provision of services

San Marino - is a small European country in the northeast of Italy. Despite its small area, the state boasts a high GDP, a stable economy, and an efficient healthcare system. All medical institutions provide quality service to both the local population and foreign residents. The country consistently ranks among the top three healthcare providers in Europe. Life expectancy here is one of the highest in the world: 77 years for men and 85 years for women. Therefore, foreigners traveling here can be sure that they will receive top-level medical treatment.
The general health system of San Marino is under the control of the Institute of Public Health and covers such services as:
• Hospitalization.
• Treatment by general practitioners and specialists.
• Buying prescription drugs.
• Motherhood and childbirth.
• Rehabilitation.
• Visit and consult with a doctor.
Residents and foreign nationals working in San Marino can receive free comprehensive health care at public hospitals. To do this, all employees are required to register with the Azienda Sanitaria Locale health insurance fund, as well as with the social security system. In turn, employers are required by law to make regular contributions on behalf of their employees, through payroll deductions. After registration, a medical card and a number are issued. This insurance may also cover medical treatment for family members.
The provision of medical services in private clinics is also available in the country on a fee basis. Due to the fact that health care is funded by the state, services are offered at low prices.
The medical staff of public hospitals is highly qualified. In this country, there are 251 doctors, 506 nurses, 41 dentists, and 26 midwives per 100,000 people. Doctors in San Marino are called "medico dottore" and they are the ones who provide primary care for non-urgent cases. Waiting time for an appointment with a GP in San Marino - varies depending on whether patients go to a private or public hospital. But the queue in the latter is usually longer.
Medical centers and clinics in San Marino
All hospital departments in San Marino provide outpatient care, and some of them may offer various specialized services. Standard medical treatment provided by health centers includes:
• general practice;
• maternity protection;
•care for children;
• dental care.
Also provided:
• emergency medical assistance;
• laboratory research;
• X-ray services.
The clinics employ only qualified doctors and nurses. The quality of their work is at a high level in terms of conditions, equipment, and care. Thanks to contributions, premises, equipment, and staff salaries are largely financed. Private clinics are distinguished by comfort and quality of service. But in fact, the medical care provided differs very little from that in the public sector, except for the higher costs associated with medical treatment.
There is one public hospital in San Marino called San Marino Hospital. Patients in it can only be admitted through the emergency room, or by referral from their doctor. Conditions in the public hospital are comfortable and similar to other European countries.
Recommendations for foreign residents
When planning a trip to San Marino, it is important to know that foreign citizens who require medical treatment must pay in cash for all services. This does not depend on whether they use public or private medical facilities. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of comprehensive international medical insurance, which includes emergency evacuation coverage in case of an emergency. Another important point is that the larger the amount of insurance coverage, the better, especially in the current conditions associated with COVID-19. You can purchase insurance on the website, where you can choose this service of several categories, as well as travel insurance with covid coverage. In this case, the services are provided and paid not directly at the local hospital, but through the host, the company indicated in the health insurance.
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