How to get a job in Andorra: work permit, list of documents

by Plata Bohdan • ongoing writer in VisitWorld
Andorra is attractive to foreigners with money-making opportunities. The country is one of the most economically developed in the world. So the standard of living and wages in Andorra is also at a high level.
Tax residence in Andorra: how to obtain a residence permit and become a tax resident - read here.
Andorra is known for its low taxes.
• Of the income taxes, the general tax is 10% and the special tax is 2%.
• There is no double taxation, i.e. income is not taxed in the country if it has already been paid abroad.
• There is no property tax in the country.
• Capital gains tax is 10%.
• For residents, there is no tax on dividends paid by local companies.
• Income tax on non-residents, if the activity is carried out in Andorra, is 10%.
• Tax on royalties - 5%.
• VAT is 4.5% and medical services are 0%.
Who cannot work in Andorra
However, employment has its difficulties. Due to Andorra's small size, just over 460 sq km, the chance of finding a job here is also low compared to other countries. Therefore, Andorra is unlikely to be suitable for people who want to work hard and learn new fields.
Furthermore, the chances of finding a job for immigrants are diminished because the country prioritizes its citizens and tries to keep jobs primarily for them. If you do not have an invitation to work in Andorra, it will be more difficult to obtain a residence permit in the country.
Another feature of Andorra is the language. There are several official languages in the country: Catalan, Spanish, and French. If you do not speak any of these, it will be more difficult to find a job.
Who you can work as in Andorra
Andorran's main industry and source of prosperity is tourism, particularly the ski resorts. The influx of tourists each year is around 10 million people. Tourism contributes more than 80% of the country's GDP to Andorra. Specialists in this field are therefore in great demand: instructors, cashiers, sales staff, cooks, hotel staff, and children's entertainers. The average salary of a qualified worker is €2,500 per month.
In addition to seasonal vacancies, vacancies are available for doctors, bank employees, IT specialists, administrators, sales advisors, or service technicians for white goods in other fields. For unskilled work, journeymen and builders are often needed.
How to get a job
Once a foreigner has found a suitable vacancy to work in Andorra, he or she should conclude an employment contract with the employer. Upon arrival in the country, the foreigner must go to the immigration office and complete the basic documents to obtain a residence permit in Andorra. Once all the documents have been completed, the potential employee is sent for a compulsory medical examination to prevent serious illnesses. After successfully passing the medical examination, the visitor is granted a residence and work permit.
Work permit
It is much more difficult for foreigners residing in Andorra to obtain a work permit than for the country's citizens due to the quotas set. Visitors only have a chance of finding a job if no Andorran nationals apply for the position. It is also possible to issue a work permit without regard to quotas to a high-level professional at the government's discretion. And here the employer is directly involved in issuing the permit. To enter Andorra for employment, it is necessary to obtain a work visa.
List of documents for a work permit:
• passport;
• photographs;
• certificate of a clean criminal record in the country of origin;
• certificate of marital status;
• certificate of residence status (tenancy agreement or declaration signed by the landlord).
Where to look for a job
You can search for a job in Andorra through a variety of resources on the internet: search engines, agency websites, the media, recruitment agencies, personal recommendations from friends, and career fairs, which are often visited by employers in search of suitable candidates.
You can have a look at available vacancies on the following websites:
• Seasonal workers in ski resorts
• Andorra Radio and Television RTVA
• Government website / general information
Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:
Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Andorra;
Legal advice for business in Andorra;
Travel insurance for foreigners in Andorra;
Medical insurance all over the world;
Insurance for international students in Andorra.
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