How to start working in Malaysia and what you need to know about labour migration to this country

Malaysia is one of the most progressive countries in Asia. The country's economy has been growing steadily in recent years, the latest technologies are being introduced and there are increasing prospects not only for the local population but also for labor migrants.
Today, working in the country is not only an interesting experience but also a real opportunity for professional development and decent wages. Moreover, in your free time, you can visit many amazing places and enjoy the magnificent local landscapes.
Of course, finding a job abroad and moving can be a complicated process. However, if you know the specifics of labor migration and have a strong desire, everything will be possible. In this article, we have prepared useful information about employment in Malaysia, visa requirements, and other conditions for moving to the country.
What you need to do to come to the country for work
To work legally in Malaysia, foreigners must have the appropriate work visa. To obtain one, you must first confirm your employment. Therefore, the first step is to find an employer. The country's job market needs skilled professionals in various fields. Job vacancies can be searched both on local companies' websites and on resources or job boards. For example, here are some popular job search sites in Malaysia:
• FastJobs;
• Indeed;
• Linkedin;
• JobStreet;
• Gradmalaysia;
• JobMalaysia;
Once you have found a suitable job and successfully interviewed, the employer must send you an offer, confirmation of employment, or a contract of employment. You can then start applying for a work visa. There are several types of these in Malaysia:
• Employment Pass – granted to professionals with specific skills.
• Temporary Employment Pass –issued to foreigners for employment of at least two years or a salary of less than 5,000 ringgit.
• Professional Visit Pass – issued to foreign professionals who plan to visit Malaysia for business purposes for up to 6 months.
To obtain a visa, an application form must be completed correctly, all documents submitted and the visa fee paid. We recommend that you obtain health insurance before you leave. To protect yourself from risks and unforeseen situations, choose a plan that suits your needs and situation. If you are interested in professional advice, the specialists on our website will be happy to take you through the details and help you choose reliable insurance.
In Malaysia, there are certain requirements and conditions regarding the granting of a work visa. A work permit is only granted to applicants who meet the following criteria:
• have a passport valid for at least 18 months;
• be at least 27 years of age (except in the IT industry, where the age must be at least 23 years).
• have proof of employment.
A work permit in Malaysia is usually issued for a period of 6 months to 5 years. However, the duration and type of visa will also depend on the terms of the employment contract and other nuances. English is widely spoken in the country, but knowing Malay will greatly increase the chances of getting a more decent position and salary. Therefore, language skills are another important requirement for employment in the country.
Documents required
To apply for a visa to Malaysia, the following documents must be submitted to the embassy:
• a properly completed form:
• a valid international passport;
• copies of higher education documents;
• opinions from previous places of employment;
• two color photographs;
• a description of the work and duties that the applicant must perform in the country;
• employment contract or other proof of employment;
• an official letter from the company;
• medical insurance.
As there are several types of visas and the requirements may vary depending on the circumstances, contact your embassy for any information regarding the complete package of documents.
In Malaysia, the income tax rate ranges from 0 to 28%. Residents earning more than US$2 million a year are taxed at a rate of 30%. The income of non-residents working in the country is taxed at a rate of 28%. By law, non-residents are citizens who stay in Malaysia for less than 182 days in a year.
Job prospects
The country's economy is growing rapidly. More and more innovations are being introduced in various fields and the labor market is growing. Despite the high level of competition, foreign professionals are also in demand in Malaysia. International workers are particularly needed in industries where there is a labor shortage.
Key areas where decent jobs can be found in Malaysia are:
• computer technology, IT;
• banking and finance;
• manufacturing
• construction and engineering;
• education;
• business;
• medicine;
• biotechnology;
• agriculture;
• automotive sector;
• electronics;
• tourism.
Work seasons, tutoring, language teaching, and internships are also popular. Malaysia has a fairly low standard of living and affordable prices for housing, services, products, and other goods. At the same time, skilled professionals earn good money here. For example, foreigners in ordinary positions can average more than 10,000 ringgit a month, allowing them to live comfortably in the country. More professional specialists with many years of work experience and skills are paid 15,000-20,000 ringgit per month and more. There are many examples of foreigners earning as much as 50,000 ringgit per month in the country.
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