
Moving to Israel in 2024: Non-Jewish immigration procedure and return rules for Jews

Residence permit
Moving to Israel in 2024: Non-Jewish immigration procedure and return rules for Jews

Every year, thousands of foreigners move to Israel for permanent residence and obtain citizenship. Find out how to issue the necessary documents for people with Jewish roots and other categories of expats in 2024

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

Immigration to Israel attracts citizens of different countries of the world. Expats from Germany, France, Austria, USA, Poland, Great Britain and many other countries seek to move to Israel for permanent residence. Foreigners are attracted by the prospect of finding a well-paid job here, providing themselves and their family with high-quality medical care, a high-level education, or a carefree old age in Israel.

How to move to Israel in 2024? A detailed guide for expats follows.

How many expats are moving to Israel?

Every year, the land of Israel receives about 20-30 thousand foreigners, of whom ⅕ are repatriates. Many people have the misconception that the state of Israel accepts only Jews. In fact, more than 70 nationalities coexist beautifully on this territory. Local residents are very tolerant of foreigners and have a peaceful attitude towards representatives of not only different nationalities, but also other religions.

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How to move to Israel in 2024?

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit and Israeli citizenship differs depending on the origin of the expat. In particular, people with Jewish roots can move to the state under a simplified repatriation procedure.

Aliyah to Israel

When the Declaration of Independence of Israel was signed in 1948, it was determined that Jews, regardless of their place of birth and residence, could automatically expect to receive Israeli citizenship. That is, any person whose parents are Jewish, or persons who have officially converted to Judaism, can immigrate to Israel under a procedure known as "Aliyah."

- Who can use the right to return to Israel under the repatriation program?

1. Direct descendants of Jews whose parents were Jews.

2. Persons who have proof that their grandparents are Jews.

3. Spouses of deceased Jews, if they have not remarried.

4. The closest relatives of the descendant - husband, wife, children (including adopted ones).

- How is the repatriation procedure going in 2024?

The repatriation procedure begins in the expat's country of origin.

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare a complete package of documents that will confirm the expat's Jewish roots.

Usually, to successfully pass the consular check for immigration to Israel, you must provide:

1. Birth certificates - yours and your relatives', passports, military IDs of different times, diplomas of education and other documents that may indicate nationality.

2. Marriage certificates: actually, of parents, grandparents, etc.

3 Medical certificates, postcards, photographs, etc.

It is important to understand that if Jewish ancestry is to be proven, all evidence is important.

When all the documents are collected, there are only a few steps to Israeli citizenship:

1. Make an appointment at the repatriation department for an interview with the consul.

2. Prepare personal documents for yourself and family members.

3. Have an interview with the Consul.

4. Obtain a repatriation visa.

5. Enter Israel within 6 months from the date of visa issuance.

6. Obtain Israeli citizenship.

Consider that the conversation with the consul is the most important stage, which depends on whether you will be able to start a new life in Israel.

According to the Repatriation Law, you will receive all the rights of an Israeli citizen upon your return to Israel.

How to move to Israel if you are not of Jewish origin?

If you are not of Jewish origin, you can still try to move to Israel using one of the following procedures:

- Employment

Moving to Israel for work is a fairly popular way of migrating to the country. Given that the legalization of a foreign specialist falls on the shoulders of the employer, moving to Israel for the employment procedure should begin with the search for a company that is ready to hire citizens. If the application is approved, the citizen can apply to the Israeli embassy for a work visa.

The most popular visa for employment in Israel is the B/1 work visa. A temporary residence permit is issued for 12 months, after which it can be extended. If a person needs to change jobs, a new permit must be obtained.

Read more about the work visa and available programs for employment in Israel in 2024 here.

- Education

Admission to an Israeli university is the basis for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the country. The student is issued a student visa, which allows legal entry to Israel. The permit is valid for 12 months and does not give the right to work. On the basis of a visa, you can apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Israel for a temporary residence permit. Then, through the naturalization procedure, obtain Israeli citizenship.

- Marriage

Marrying an Israeli citizen is one of the easiest ways to move to the country. Such a marriage is usually concluded on the territory of another state, and then recognized on the territory of Israel.

Upon arrival in Israel, the husband (wife) receives a temporary residence permit, which must be renewed annually for 5 years. To do this, it is necessary to confirm the authenticity of the marriage every time, for this, family photos, receipts from places of joint recreation, documents confirming joint management of the household, etc. are attached to the application. The best confirmation of the sincerity of feelings are children born in such a marriage. After 5 years, you can get a permanent residence permit, and later citizenship.

- Citizenship by naturalization

The right to obtain Israeli citizenship through naturalization can be obtained after 5 years of legal residence in the country, under the condition that the last 3 years the applicant must be in Israel on a permanent basis. In addition, an expat must meet the following conditions:

1. To be in Israel at the time of application.

2. Entry into the country was carried out on legal grounds.

3. Existing status of PMP.

4. It is good to know Hebrew.

5. Having a permanent residence in Israel.

6. Availability of a permanent source of income and real estate.

7. Integration into Israeli society (paying taxes, utility bills, having friendly relations with the indigenous population and other circumstances).

Those wishing to obtain citizenship must pass an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Israel.

- Political asylum

Another option that allows you to move to Israel for permanent residence is a request for political asylum. However, for this it is necessary to prove that the applicant is under pressure and needs protection.

Is Israel safe to live?

Despite the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas, it is quite safe to live and work in Israel. As of June 2024, Israel's National Emergency Portal states that all areas except the Gaza Strip and the Contact Line are open without restrictions.

Security rules in Israel for foreign citizens in this article.

Israel demonstrates stable rates of economic development, so citizens and expats can enjoy a high standard of living and social support here. Also, one of the advantages of obtaining an Israeli passport is visa-free access to more than 150 countries.

As a reminder, in 2024 Italy simplified the procedure for obtaining citizenship by birth, details here. The procedure for obtaining a residence permit and Irish citizenship in this article.

Ihor Usyk - head of Visit World's legal department

To ensure a safe move to Israel, consult a migration specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations when traveling abroad.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Israel;

Legal advice on immigration to Israel;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Israel;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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