
Employment in Kuwait 2024: benefits, types of work visas and conditions for foreigners

Employment in Kuwait 2024: benefits, types of work visas and conditions for foreigners

In 2024, Kuwait continues to attract professionals with its high salary levels, lack of taxes, excellent standard of living and a range of employment opportunities. Learn about the benefits of working in the country, the types of work visas available and the conditions for working for foreigners

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Kuwait is a small country in the Persian Gulf, which is distinguished by a high standard of living and rapid economic development. Natural resources and skillful policies of local authorities have made Kuwait the richest country in the region. Employees from different parts of the world are invited to work in this country. Kuwait offers expats decent wages, high quality of life and career prospects.

What is required for employment in Kuwait in 2024? We talk about the labor market and conditions for foreigners below.

Benefits of working in Kuwait

- High level of wages - the average salary in Kuwait is about 5,000 USD per month, which is much higher than in most countries of the world.

- Tax-free income – Kuwait does not charge personal income tax, allowing expatriates to keep all of their income. That is, employees receive their entire salary, because fees and mandatory contributions are not deducted from you.

- High-quality health care system - the country has the highest level medical institutions.

- Balanced lifestyle – expats enjoy a good work-life balance, a safe environment and high-quality educational programs for children.

- Low cost of living compared to other Gulf countries - Kuwait is cheaper to live in than the UAE or Qatar.

The procedure for obtaining a work permit in Kuwait

All expats, with the exception of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nationals, must obtain an employment permit before they can work in Kuwait. Work permits are only issued if the expat has a valid offer of employment.

The employer acts as a sponsor for the foreign worker while he or she works in Kuwait. This means that the company will do all the administrative work for you, from applying for a visa to opening your bank account. In addition, your sponsor is responsible for you while you reside in Kuwait and is responsible for any violations by you.

After obtaining a work permit and residence permit, male expats can in turn sponsor their spouse and children to come live with them in Kuwait. If dependents also want to work in Kuwait, they will need to obtain separate work permits.

Types of work visas in Kuwait

Currently, expats in Kuwait can apply for one of the following work visas:

- Kuwait Contract Worker Visa – This type of visa is specially designed for individuals who have obtained contract work in Kuwait. A valid employment contract is mandatory for issuing a permit. The main advantage is a significant period of validity (3 years).

- General work visa to Kuwait - the issuance of this visa requires obtaining a residence permit. It is required for legal stay in Kuwait during the period of employment. A visa is issued for up to 1 year.

- Kuwait residence visa is intended for persons wishing to obtain a long-term residence permit in Kuwait. To qualify, applicants must provide proof of regular income, health insurance, and a valid reason for being in the country, such as employment or family reunification​. This Kuwait visa is usually valid for one year, but can be extended.

- Work visa for students in Kuwait - issued to foreign students who wish to continue their studies at universities or colleges in Kuwait. The duration of this visa is consistent with the duration of the academic course in which the student is enrolled. To be eligible, applicants must have permission from a recognized educational institution in Kuwait. In addition, students must provide proof of funds to support their stay, academic references and a health certificate as part of their visa application documents.

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An approximate list of documents for obtaining a work visa in Kuwait

To obtain a work visa to Kuwait, the applicant must submit the following package of documents:

- passport;

- visa application form;

- 4 photos;

- copy and original of work permit documents;

- a letter from the employer about employment;

- a document indicating the position and salary level.

In general, the procedure for obtaining a visa can take several months.

Workers from Guinea-Bissau, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Bhutan are not issued a work visa to Kuwait.

In which fields can expats work in Kuwait?

Currently, the maximum shortage of workers is experienced in the following areas:

- Health care - doctors, nurses, pharmacists.

- Oil and gas - engineers, geologists, geophysicists.

- IT – software developers, cyber security experts.

- Finance and banking - accountants, auditors, financial analysts.

- Education - teachers, lecturers, administrators.

- Construction - engineers, architects, project managers.

What are the requirements for an expat to find a job in Kuwait?

To get a job in Kuwait, a candidate must:

- know English well;

- have documents confirming the level of education and qualifications for the relevant position;

- have experience in a similar position.

At the same time, for their part, employers offer employees high salaries, a social package, accommodation and transportation to the workplace, as well as paid vacations.

Length of working week and overtime in Kuwait

A working week in Kuwait lasts from 40 to 48 hours, depending on company policy. The work week usually starts on Sunday and runs through Thursday, with Friday and Saturday as weekends.

The permissible overtime limit is set at a maximum of 2 hours per day, limited to three days per week or 90 days per year.

Where to look for work in Kuwait?

You can search for available vacancies in Kuwait on one of the following resources:

- Monster.com;

- Bayt.com.

In addition, there are a number of reputable recruitment agencies operating in the country, which are mainly engaged in the employment of senior management, for example, Aman Overseas and Career Hunters.

Self-initiative is also very important – find companies (both multinational and Kuwaiti) that may need the skill set you have to offer and contact them directly. In Kuwait, personal relationships are very important in all aspects, including the business world. Therefore, local contacts can be extremely valuable in the job search.

Kuwait is interested in employment of foreigners. This is confirmed by the simplification of the migration policy, which was introduced in the state in 2024: employees received the right to change employers after three years of work (subject to the consent of the current sponsor), generally simplified the hiring procedure (by canceling the rate structure), moved to digitalization and began to pay more attention employee safety.

With this in mind, it's safe to say that 2024 is the best time for expats to move to work in Kuwait.

We will remind you that we talked about changes in visa rules and reasons that can prevent you from obtaining a work permit in Kuwait.

Igor Usyk - Head of Legal Department at Visit World

To ensure a safe move to Kuwait, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration abroad.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Kuwait;

Legal advice on immigration to Kuwait;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Kuwait;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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