
Increase in fees for international student visas in Australia: what is known

Increase in fees for international student visas in Australia: what is known

The Australian government has decided to increase fees for international student visas by 125%. This innovation should reduce the record high levels of migration. Learn more about the cost of a student visa in Australia

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

Australia has significantly raised its student visa fees, increasing them from $710 to $1,600 effective July 1, 2024. This 125% increase makes Australia the most expensive country to obtain a student visa, exceeding the cost in the United States and Canada, where it is approximately $185 and 150 Canadian dollars ($110), respectively. 

The Australian government introduced this decision as part of a broader strategy to manage record high levels of migration, which have increased pressure on the housing market, in an effort to regulate the influx of international students.

According to statistics, the largest number of international students arrive in Australia from China, India, Malaysia and Nepal.

Features of international student flows in Australia

International education is an important industry for Australia, which in the fiscal year 2022-2023 brought $36.4 billion to the country's economy. However, the government is taking steps to ensure the sustainability of this sector by addressing the high level of migration. 

The new visa fee is one of the measures aimed at balancing the inflow of foreign students with the country's capacity to accommodate them. Holders of visitor visas and students with temporary visas are now prohibited from applying for student visas while in the country. This step is aimed at tightening the rules and preventing abuse of the visa system.

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Details on the increase in student visa fees

The increase in student visa fees in Australia also includes additional fees for accompanying applicants. Each family member aged 18 years and over will now pay a fee of USD 1,445, while those under 18 will be charged USD 390. This policy is aimed at managing the financial implications of supporting dependents during the study period.

In addition, the government has increased the minimum funding requirements for international students. As of May 10, 2024, applicants must demonstrate the availability of funds of at least USD 29,710, which is a 21% increase from the previous figure of USD 24,505. This new threshold is about $5,000 higher than what is required to obtain a study permit in Canada. The government claims that this increase corresponds to 75% of the national minimum wage, which ensures that students have sufficient financial support during their stay in the country.

Also, the Australian government announced measures aimed at closing loopholes in visa legislation that allowed foreign students to overstay their visas. This decision was made in response to a significant increase in the number of students obtaining second or subsequent student visas, which exceeded 150,000 in 2022-2023. The government aims to reduce this trend by introducing stricter rules and enforcement.

Claire O'Neill, Australia's Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security, emphasized that the changes are designed to restore the integrity of the international education system and create a fairer and more manageable migration system. The coming months will show whether these measures will successfully balance the needs of students, educational institutions and the wider Australian community.

In our previous article, we wrote that the Australian government is once again complicating the visa procedure for international students. Such changes are intended to ensure that students can afford basic expenses while studying in Australia.

Igor Usyk - Head of Legal Department at Visit World

To ensure a safe move to Australia, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration abroad.

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Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Australia;

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