
Turkish passport through investment: what are the prospects for new citizenship?

Turkish passport through investment: what are the prospects for new citizenship?

Turkey offers attractive programs that allow foreign investors to obtain a Turkish passport in exchange for various types of investments. We will tell you how to get a Turkish passport and what benefits follow

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Turkey, with its rich history, cultural heritage and strategic location at the junction of East and West, is increasingly attracting the attention of investors. One of the most attractive ways of acquiring Turkish citizenship has been through investment. This route not only provides the convenience and speed of the passport process, but also offers a wide range of investment options. Learn how the Turkish citizenship investment program can be the key to a promising future.

Turkey Investment Program

For foreigners wishing to become Turkish citizens, the opportunity is available to realize their ambitions by investing in various sectors of the country's economy.

This can be investments in the fixed capital of commercial enterprises, the creation of new jobs, the purchase of real estate or participation in investment funds. 

The procedure of citizenship registration through investments is characterized by relative speed, and on average takes 3-6 months. 

Investors are also given the opportunity to return the invested funds three years after receiving a passport.

Advantages of Turkish citizenship

1. Visa-free entry to 110 countries

A Turkish passport allows visa-free entry or simplified visa to more than 110 countries around the world. Among them are Japan, Sri Lanka, Montenegro, Mexico, Egypt, Morocco and others.

And the E-2 business visa allows investors to live and work in the United States for the period during which their venture generates revenue.

2. "Another Home."

Turkey attracts with its relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, rich culture and history, and more affordable cost of living than many Western countries.

Investors with a Turkish passport are free to live and work in the country without restrictions, as well as visit and leave the country at any time. 

Second citizenship is also allowed in Turkey. This means that expats can retain their original citizenship without giving up their affiliation to another country. 

3. Prestigious Education

Turkey offers prestigious education that meets European standards, thanks to joining the Bologna system in 2001.

Students have the opportunity to do internships in international companies, which improves their employability. 

While education is fee-paying for all, fee concessions are available to Turkish citizens. For example, a year of study at Koç University will cost from $21,500 for international students and about $14,800 for citizens.

4. Prospects for business

Turkey's geographical location and simplified procedures for company registration attract the attention of businessmen. 

Turkish citizens actively use local banking services for doing business and cooperating with partners from the European Union. They open settlement accounts for their companies in Turkish lira, dollars or euros and receive corporate loans for business development. 

Rates on corporate loans in Turkey are competitive, for example, the minimum rate in Ziraat Bank is 8.5% per annum.

5.  Quality medicine 

Hospitals, professional medical staff and availability of treatment in Turkey are rated higher than in the UAE and China. 

Citizens of the country are entitled to free treatment in public medical institutions and also receive significant discounts on prescription drugs.  

6. Immigration to Turkey with the whole family

Turkish citizenship by investment applies to the investor, his spouse and minor children. So family members can emigrate along with the main applicant.

Investors are allowed to purchase both residential and commercial real estate, but there are certain restrictions. 

Since January 1, 2023, Turkey has made changes to the conditions for the purchase of real estate for participants in the citizenship program. Investors are now prohibited to: 

- Purchase real estate in shared ownership, and the owner of the object must be one person.

- Participate in the program if they purchase an object that has already been used to obtain citizenship. 

    - Buy real estate from legal entities in which more than 50% of shares are owned by foreigners.

    Investor requirements and basic documents

    To obtain Turkish citizenship, an investor must be over 18 years of age, have no criminal record or legal problems, have an official source of income, a positive visa history, and be free of communicable diseases that may pose a threat to society.

    Documents required to apply for Turkish citizenship through investment include:

      - passport

        - birth certificate

          - marriage certificate/ certificate of marital status

            - 4 biometric photographs for each family member

              - residence permit or valid visa to Turkey;

                - copy of Turkish ID card and address of the relative

                Financial documents include: 

                  - income certificate

                    - proof of financial investment

                      - a receipt for payment of the state fee. 

                      In addition, birth certificates and criminal record certificates are required for all family members included in the application.

                      Obtaining citizenship: step-by-step

                        1. The investor chooses one of the investment options.

                          2. Collects the necessary documents.

                            3. Makes investments in accordance with the requirements of the Turkish government.

                              4. Obtaining a residence permit (issued after making the investment).

                                5. Applying for citizenship. Application can be made at the Turkish Embassy/Consulate or directly in the country.

                                  6. Obtaining a passport.  

                                  By obtaining a second passport, the investor gains access to all the benefits of Turkish citizenship and opens up new opportunities for international travel and business relations. 

                                  Investment options

                                  The Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program offers several options for potential investors, allowing them to choose the most suitable option:

                                    1. Job Creation:

                                    This option involves setting up your own company registered in Turkey and creating at least 50 jobs for a period of three years or more. Such a company requires confirmation by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

                                    2. Cash investment of $500,000:

                                      - Fixed capital investment in a Turkish company confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology;

                                        - A deposit of at least $500,000 in a Turkish bank for a period of 3 years or more;

                                          - Purchase of government bonds with the possibility of receiving dividends for 3 years.

                                            3.  Purchase of real estate in the amount of $400,000:

                                            This option is the most popular among foreign investors. It provides an opportunity to purchase $400,000 or more worth of residential or commercial real estate. 

                                            One of the main advantages of this option is the ability to sell the property after 3 years without any negative citizenship implications. 

                                            Where to invest in Turkey?

                                            Turkey offers one of the most attractive programs for obtaining citizenship through investment, which has already been used by more than 13000 investors.

                                            Buying real estate remains the most popular choice for 90% of applicants to the Turkish citizenship program.

                                            Thus, interested parties can invest from $400,000 in business class apartments, which meets the requirements of the passport program, and can receive a stable rental income from their property during the three-year waiting period before the sale.

                                            Examples of favorable offers for investment: 

                                            HASAN BEY RESIDENCE:

                                            - Business class apartments starting from 53 m².

                                            - Modern design: 1 bedroom, living room with kitchen, bathroom with toilet.

                                            - Duplex 3+1 from 130sqm.

                                            - Located in close proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and major attractions

                                            - Estimated return on investment for daily rentals - 9.8% per annum.

                                            HMG GOLD RESIDENCE:

                                            - Comfort class apartments in the historical center of Antalya with an area of 72 m².

                                            - The layout is 2+1 with balconies, only 20 apartments.

                                            - Unique location: only 3 minutes from the Mediterranean Sea.

                                            - Estimated return on investment for daily rentals is 9.8% per annum.

                                            These projects have been developed by a reliable international developer Antagroup, guaranteeing high quality construction. By investing in these offers, you not only provide yourself with reliable housing, but you can also become a holder of Turkish citizenship. 

                                            You can find more offers, current prices and competent advice on purchasing real estate from the developer AntaGroup by clicking here

                                            Daria Rogova - Head of Insurance at Visit World

                                            To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need travel insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

                                            Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

                                            Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Turkey;

                                            Legal advice on immigration in Turkey;

                                            Insurance for residence permit in Turkey.

                                            More articles on the topic: 

                                            Real estate in Turkey - is it still an attractive investment destination in 2024?

                                            Tourist real estate: prospects and opportunities for investors.

                                            How investing in share of the premises?

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