
What changes should expats around the world expect in the spring of 2024?


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What changes should expats around the world expect in the spring of 2024?

We are witnessing significant transformations in the early spring. The migration sector, which is characterized by its volatility, requires adaptation to frequently changing legislation in different countries. What do expats need to know about the immigration rules updates this spring? Read more about the main immigration updates in our article

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Order an insurance policy for safe travel, stay or work abroad

In the modern world, countries are closely related to each other, as are their populations. According to UN estimates, 232 million people or 3.2% of the world's population live outside their country. Most often, people leave their country of origin in search of a better life, career prospects and a higher salary. In turn, most countries compensate for the lack of workers, including qualified personnel, at the expense of expats. Given that the world of migration is quite dynamic, the legislation in different states changes regularly.

What changes for expats expect this spring? Major immigration news follows.

United Kingdom

Great Britain is actively working on changing its migration policy, in particular, the following rules will come into force in the spring of 2024:

- From March 11, 2024: health workers will be prohibited from moving to the country with their families. Nursing homes will also be monitored by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in matters of visas for medical professionals.

- On March 14, 2024, a new list of scarce professions will be submitted to the parliament.

- From 4 April 2024, the minimum salary threshold for a skilled worker visa will increase from £26,200 to £38,700 per annum;

- From April 6, 2024, the requirement to renew sponsor licenses will be abolished.

- From 11 April 2024, the minimum income requirement for migrant family members will be increased from £18,600 to £29,000.

How to apply for a visa to Great Britain is explained here.


The German government is interested in the migration of highly qualified workers. The country is actively simplifying the conditions for relocation of specialists, including with their families.

In particular, starting in March 2024, foreigners from outside the EU will be able to issue a visa, come to Germany and start working without waiting for their qualifications to be confirmed.

Expats will be able to stay in the country for up to three years, including with their family, if they can prove that they have enough money to live on.

The procedure for obtaining a visa to Germany is at the link.


From January 1, 2024, a new immigration law came into force in Hungary, which is aimed at strengthening the rules for expats. As part of the implementation of changes to the procedure for issuing employment permits, the processing of immigration applications was suspended between January 1, 2024 and February 29, 2024. Residence permits that expired during this period were automatically extended until April 30, 2024.

As of March 1, 2024, applications for a Hungarian residence permit will be accepted again under the newly created procedure.

The rules of entry and the procedure for issuing a visa to Hungary can be found at the link.

New Zealand

The new government of New Zealand in 2024 is actively engaged in changing the country's migration policy, in particular they plan to:

- Increase fees for applying for a state visa.

- Introduce a new guest visa for parents of migrants for a period of up to 5 years with the possibility of extension.

- Increase the permitted length of the working week for foreign students (currently 20 hours per week).

- Extend the right to work for migrant family members.

Some of these changes are expected to be operational as early as spring 2024.

Find the list of documents for moving to New Zealand here.


The Finnish government has decided that the land border crossing points between Finland and Russia will remain closed until April 14, 2024. In addition, it will not be possible to apply for international protection at any checkpoint on the land border between Finland and Russia.

The rules of entry to Finland are here.


Starting April 10, 2024, citizens of Canada, the United States of America, and Australia will be required to obtain an electronic visa before entering Brazil. The right applies to both tourist and business visas.

Who needs a visa to travel to Brazil? Requirements at the link.


From February 26, 2024, a new Canadian visa center opened in Lisbon (Portugal). This will simplify and speed up the procedure for processing permit documents to Canada for citizens of Portugal and neighboring countries.

Look for the list of documents for obtaining a Canadian visa in the country map.


Italy has several times postponed the start of submission of work permit documents for foreign workers. Now it became known that non-seasonal workers will be able to apply for a visa from March 18, and seasonal workers - from March 25. Quota work permits will be issued to foreign workers on a rolling basis.

The procedure for obtaining a visa to Italy is here.


The Turkish government has decided to increase the visa-free regime for citizens of Kyrgyzstan to six months. Currently, 20,000 Kyrgyz live in Turkey, and their number doubles during the summer season.

Rules of entry to Turkey at the link.

Look for more current news from the world of migration on the Visit World portal.

Daria Rogova, Head of Insurance at Visit World

To move, travel or work safely in a new country, you will need health insurance. You can apply for an extended policy on our website here.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Travel guide for 200 countries;

Legal advice from a local specialist on visa and migration issues;

Travel insurance around the world (please select the country of interest and citizenship to receive services);

Medical insurance all over the world.

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