
Simplification of the procedure for obtaining German citizenship: what changes should migrants expect

For refugees
Simplification of the procedure for obtaining German citizenship: what changes should migrants expect

The German Bundestag and the House of Federal States have approved a new draft law on citizenship. According to the new law, foreigners wishing to obtain German citizenship do not have to renounce their own citizenship. Find out more about what changes migrants should expect

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

The reform of German citizenship law opens up new opportunities for foreigners living in Germany. According to the new rules, obtaining a German passport has become more accessible and faster. Foreigners can now apply for citizenship after five years of legal residence in the country, instead of the previous eight years. In addition, in case of particularly successful integration, this period can be reduced to three years, which will help them to adapt more quickly and feel a sense of belonging to German society. According to statistics, most migrants come to Germany from Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq.

However, it is important to note that in order to obtain German citizenship, in addition to expressing their commitment to the constitution, foreigners will also need to show their willingness to protect the Jewish community. This has become relevant in the context of the recent pro-Palestinian protests in the country, where the issue of security and protection of minorities is becoming one of the government's priorities.

Thus, the new rules for obtaining German citizenship open up more opportunities for foreigners, but at the same time impose additional requirements and responsibilities on them. This will not only facilitate the integration of newcomers into German society, but also strengthen security and interfaith understanding in the country.

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Obtaining German citizenship for Ukrainians

The new German citizenship law makes life easier for Ukrainian refugees. Starting from 2025, some of them will be able to obtain a German passport. The main change is to reduce the period of stay in the country from 8 to 5 years for obtaining citizenship. If a person demonstrates "special integration achievements", he or she can become a German citizen in as little as three years.

If you still have any questions about obtaining German citizenship, you should use the services of professional lawyers. Specialists with a university degree will help you resolve all legal issues related to migration abroad. 

We also recommend that you read our previous article on residence rights for Ukrainians in Germany. It covers all the main issues related to the legal regulations governing the stay of Ukrainians in Germany.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

To ensure a safe move to a new country, I advise you to consult a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with a legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations during migration.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Germany;

Legal advice on immigration in Germany;

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