Features of living in Canada: pros and cons of living in the country
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Canada has many attractions for new residents, fascinating landscapes, good health services and a progressive economy, but it also has many disadvantages. Let's break down the pros and cons of living in Canada.
Many people want to move to other countries for many reasons. Some want to move because of a job, others want a higher education, and some want to start a business in another country. Living is not easy, especially when you move to a new country. You have to face many challenges along with the benefits. Today Canada is a great option to live among people who are ambitious for their future, but every country has its pros and cons. So let's figure out what they are in Canada.
Pros of living in Canada
1. Healthcare
It is world-renowned that Canada has a great healthcare program that is not actually free. The provinces are responsible for meeting the conditions so that citizens can enjoy the benefits of living in this country. One person has to pay about $5,000 a year to take advantage of health benefits.
That being said, you can visit the hospital at any time, as well as the emergency room for medical services without any direct payment.
Learn more about health insurance in Canada here.
2. Low crime rate
Canada has the 53rd lowest crime rate in the world in 2018. Canada has a lower population, so the crime rate is also lower, and the violent crime rate is very low, so you could say Canada is a very safe place to live.
3. Employment opportunities in Canada
The Canadian government is constantly making efforts to attract foreign workers to their country in order to accelerate their economic growth and fill the gap in the shortage of skilled workers in industrial sectors. The Canadian government provides many employment opportunities for new immigrants.
4. Accessible education in Canadian schools and universities
Canada's school program is similar to the United States, where students can receive an education without paying any fees or donations from their parents. Higher education at a college or university is slightly more expensive than in Europe, but the continuing education program in Canada is very low and easy to obtain.
5. Growing Economy
This country provides a free market economy wherever possible and ensures that people get economic freedoms in general. If you want to start a company or business in Canada, you should follow a very simple procedure that will help you settle your business there. Employment rates are also very high in Canada and offer great opportunities for immigrants and newcomers who want to work in Canada.
6. Welcoming and Respectful
Canadians are very famous in the world for their polite demeanor and welcoming nature. Most Canadians are very friendly to the immigrant or visitors.
Immigrants come here in huge numbers, so the Canadian population has different cultures and religious communities that you can also participate in, which is an interesting and new experience. Canada is very famous around the world for its progressive policies, so the people of Canada are peaceful and tolerant.
7. Landscapes and Outdoor Recreation
Canada is very famous for its nature and beautiful landscapes with oceans, lakes and rivers. Snow-capped peaks add even more beauty. Canada offers a huge variety of outdoor activities. If you live in the province of Nova Scotia, you can enjoy fishing and boating in the ocean. Central Canada offers hunting opportunities. You can enjoy hiking, skiing and hockey.
8. Low rents
Living on Canada's northern border is almost 26% cheaper when you compare the average rent in other Canadian cities. Toronto and Vancouver are relatively expensive cities. Rent is high in these cities, and you have to pay a lot of money if you want your own home here. If you want to live with low rent, Montreal is a cheap city where you can find a place to live at an affordable price.
Cons of living in Canada
1. HealthCare
While the health care system is admired for providing basic and necessary treatment at no cost, long-term supplemental health care can be lengthy, especially in large cities. People living in rural provinces often cannot take advantage of medical services. Medical services are very limited. Sometimes long-term health care needs and elective treatment have long wait times.
2. Government control.
Canadians feel that government rules, bypass the opportunities they want to live. Sometimes locals feel they would like fewer rules.
For example, the Canadian government can decide on the number of trans fats in restaurant foods.
If you don't think this is a big deal, then Canada is right for you, but if you want to live your unique life according to your own principles, then this is a slightly uncomfortable place to be.
3. Expensive lifestyle
Canada has a higher cost of living than other countries. Food is very expensive; clothing items are 20% more expensive. The cost of living may be less or more depending on where you would like to live in Canada. But many people successfully control their costs and manage their lives because they are very low and also support public health care. That said, rents are quite high in big cities like Vancouver and Toronto.
4. Climate
The northern part of Canada has a cooler environment than the rest of the world. Winters here and in the northern areas are very cold. Generally, in December, the average temperature is 0 degrees and in January, the temperature will drop to -2 degrees. But in those months, the temperature is also sure to drop to -17.
5. Unfavorable exchange rate
For Canadian money, the exchange rate has not been very favorable to other developed countries in the world. Currently, the exchange rate of 1 Canadian dollar is $0.75. This makes online shopping difficult. You have to shop at local retailers.
Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:
Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Canada;
Legal advice on business issues in Canada;
Travel and health insurance for foreigners in Canada;
Insurance for international students in Canada.
Find more information about insurance in Canada here.
Read the top 15 myths about immigration to Canada here.
CRS system: how many points do you need to move to Canada under the Express Entry program read here.
USA or Canada for expats: which country is better to migrate to in 2023?
Canadian Labor Law: 10 important rules for foreign employers.
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