
Visa to Syria: how to enter the country for permanent residence and obtain citizenship

Residence permit
Visa to Syria: how to enter the country for permanent residence and obtain citizenship

The people of Syria and the country itself are unique. They trace their identity back to the earliest civilizations. Before the start of the conflicts in Syria, there were quite a few people who wanted to go here on the PR and get citizenship. Once, having a Syrian passport was a great advantage, such people were respected. Now some foreigners come to Syria for permanent residence here and to obtain citizenship. Therefore, in this article, we will consider ways to obtain Syrian citizenship.

How to get Syrian citizenship

The main thing is that those born in the country do not automatically receive a citizen's passport. For that, you will need to submit a special application.
Ways to obtain citizenship:
• by origin
If your father is a citizen of Syria, and your mother is a citizen of another country, then regardless of where you were born, you automatically receive a citizen's passport. However, if the mother is Syrian and the father is a resident of another country, the child is not entitled to Syrian citizenship, even if he lives and was born in that country. But, if the father is unknown, or both parents are unknown, then the child can claim citizenship. But even in this case, you must provide evidence so that you are not left without a place to live.

• through the naturalization process
To obtain citizenship through naturalization, you must meet the following requirements:
- know the Arabic language;
- live in the country for at least 10 years;
- have no criminal record, no serious illnesses, and have a good reputation in the country.
For residents of other Arab countries, the conditions for obtaining citizenship are a little simpler:
- a foreign woman who married a Syrian man can undergo naturalization in two years while living in the country. If the marriage ends in divorce, the woman retains her citizenship unless she remarries.
Dual citizenship is recognized in Syria. That is, to get a Syrian passport, you do not need to renounce your citizenship. However, Syrian citizenship should be a priority.

Visa to Syria

Entry to Syria requires a visa for all foreigners, so it is necessary to obtain a visa. You can do this both at the consulate and at the airport upon arrival in the country. The consular fee is $20. Visa processing takes about 3-5 days. Children registered in their parents' passports do not pay the consular fee. Visas are issued only for 14 days. Then, at the office of the Immigration Department, you can extend the period of stay up to three months. Visas are not issued to those who have any Israeli markings or stamps on their passports. To apply for a visa to Syria, you need to submit the following documents:
• foreign passport (the validity period of the passport must exceed the validity period of the visa by three months);
• a photocopy of three pages of the national passport (including the page with the registration stamp)
• 2 photos (3x4);
• completed questionnaire in two copies (the home address, the full name of the parents, as well as the place of work and position should also be indicated);
• health insurance (you can apply for insurance on our website).
A medical insurance policy must be issued with a minimum coverage amount of 30,000 euros.