Kroatien ist dem Schengen-Raum beigetreten und hat den Euro eingeführt: Was ändert sich für das Land, die Migranten und die Touristen?

Kroatien wird ab dem 1. Januar 2023 Teil des Schengen-Raums und der Eurozone, wobei die Kuna durch den Euro ersetzt wird.
On January 1, 2023 Croatia officially joined the Schengen Agreement and became the 27th member of the Schengen Area. We tell you about the changes that have already entered into force or are still waiting for the country, migrants and tourists.
New rules for entering Croatia
Since January 1, 2023 border and customs checks at the borders between Croatia and other Schengen member states were abolished for people crossing the borders by road, rail or water transport. However, checks for air travelers will cease from March 26, 2023, due to the peculiarities of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) work and schedules.
Also Croatia from January 1, 2023 can use the Schengen Information System, in diplomatic missions and consulates of Croatia issue Schengen visas (visa type A and C) and national long-term visas (visa type D).
About 5 most common reasons for refusal of Schengen visa we told here.
Days spent in Croatia are now summarized with days spent in other Schengen member states (for Type C visas it is 90 days within 180 days maximum).
Please note: Croatian type C visas issued before December 31, 2022, if not expired, are still valid for entry into the Republic of Croatia, but do not allow entry into other Schengen Member States.
From now on, the value of the Croatian residence permit is also increasing, because its holder will now be able to travel throughout the Schengen area. On the grounds for obtaining a Croatian residence permit, we wrote here.
It should be noted that the Council of the European Union has received an official proposal from the European Commission to join the Schengen zone also Bulgaria and Romania. However, such a decision was not made for these countries, two countries participating in the meeting voted against.
The euro instead of the kuna: how does currency change
Also, since January 1, 2023 Croatia became the 20th member of the Eurozone and officially introduced the euro instead of the Croatian kuna.
The process of introducing the euro currency in Croatia will be as follows:
1) On December 1, 2022, Croatian euro coin packages went on sale;
2) On January 1, 2023, the euro becomes the official currency in Croatia;
3) 14 days of January will be a period of dual circulation of euro and kuna;
4) until the end of 2023, banks and the post office will exchange kuna for euros at the rate of 1 euro = 7.53450 kuna;
5) from 1 January 2024 banknotes kuna to euro will be changed only by the national bank (indefinitely), and coins until 1 January 2026.
Pay attention! In order to protect yourself from insurance events and receive assistance in choosing an insurance policy, as well as to be informed about your actions in the event of an insured event, VisitWorld recommends taking out travel insurance in advance.
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