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Expats Top 7 best countries to start or join a business in 2024

Top 7 best countries to start or join a business in 2024

Today, many entrepreneurs are trying to find a country to open their business. Here are the top countries in the world for starting a business or investing in existing enterprises in 2024, as well as the factors to consider

15 Nov. 2023

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For refugees New rules for migration control in Germany: important information for refugees

New rules for migration control in Germany: important information for refugees

The German government has announced the introduction of new migration control rules aimed at more efficiently managing the flow of migrants. The measures are a response to the need to balance the country's openness with maintaining social and economic stability. Learn more about the new rules for migrants in Germany

15 Nov. 2023

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Treatment The health care system in the US and Great Britain: what barriers await immigrants?

The health care system in the US and Great Britain: what barriers await immigrants?

The growing level of migration in the world causes numerous difficulties for expats. Even in countries with a large immigrant population, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, there are certain obstacles. Read more about the barriers that immigrants face in the process of receiving medical care in the United States and the United Kingdom in our article

14 Nov. 2023

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For refugees Restrictions on social benefits for migrants in Sweden: who is affected by the latest reform

Restrictions on social benefits for migrants in Sweden: who is affected by the latest reform

Sweden is discussing changes to the system of social benefits for migrants from countries outside the European Union. This decision is a response to the growing flow of migrants from different parts of the world. Read more about changes in social benefits for migrants in Sweden

14 Nov. 2023

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Travels Due to the eruption of the volcano Fagradalsfjatl in Iceland, a state of emergency has been declared

Due to the eruption of the volcano Fagradalsfjatl in Iceland, a state of emergency has been declared

The town of Grindavik on the southwest coast was evacuated early Saturday morning after shifting magma beneath the earth's crust triggered hundreds of earthquakes, believed to be a precursor to an eruption. Find out more about why experts predict an eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano and what is known about the evacuation

13 Nov. 2023

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For refugees Immigrants are leaving Canada: how the government is slowing down the rate of expatriation

Immigrants are leaving Canada: how the government is slowing down the rate of expatriation

The Canadian government has announced a new migration plan that envisages a change in the pace of increasing the number of permanent residents in the country. The focus now is not only on maintaining a stable migration system, but also on providing time for effective integration and expanding the labor market. Learn more about the main provisions of Canada's new migration plan

13 Nov. 2023

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Education Higher education in France for foreigners: a detailed guide

Higher education in France for foreigners: a detailed guide

France is known for its large number of prestigious universities, high quality education and rich cultural heritage. This country attracts students from all over the world who dream of obtaining higher education in renowned educational institutions and deepening their knowledge of the French language. Find out more about the main aspects of studying for foreigners in France, including choosing a university, the admission process, funding and student support, as well as general tips for successful study in this country

12 Nov. 2023

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3 min

Expats French Tech Visa: obtaining a residence permit under the Passeport Talent program

French Tech Visa: obtaining a residence permit under the Passeport Talent program

France is known for its innovative orientation and support of technology startups. One of the initiatives that helps to attract talented professionals from all over the world is the French Tech Visa, or "French technology visa". Learn more about the main benefits and conditions of participation in the Passeport Talent program

11 Nov. 2023

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