Medicine in Brazil: pros and cons of healthcare, visa and insurance

Brazil is known for some of the leading clinics in the world. Medicine in the country is multifunctional and allows all segments of the population to use medical services. That is, even low-income people can afford treatment. The country's healthcare system includes hospitals, clinics, medical centers, chemo centers, laboratories, as well as various foundations and universities. Brazilian medicine is one of the leaders in the world market.
Medical tourism is very common here. Foreigners from all over the world seek to come here for medical services. There are many qualified specialists and high-class medical institutions in the country. However, the cost of services is more profitable than in Europe. The country's healthcare system is making great strides forward. It is possible to mention that Brazilian scientists have achieved great achievements in aesthetics and sports medicine.
The most popular directions in medicine for tourists
Many foreigners come to the country for treatment or surgical or cosmetic procedures. The medicine here is very high-quality and quite profitable. This is the reason for such an influx of customers from all over the world. Most often, foreigners choose the following medical tourism destinations:
• cardiology and cardiac surgery (by the way, rehabilitation in these areas is quite fast, and the patient can safely return to his usual life in 1.5 months);
• neurosurgery and neurology (the most modern equipment is used here and unique operations are performed);
• plastic and cosmetic surgery;
• artificial insemination (high-class specialists work in this area);
• dental services;
• hair transplantation and the fight against obesity.
Despite the high quality, the price for such services is two times lower than, for example, in the USA. That is why many famous and wealthy personalities come here. There, doctors do not work on a system of bribes, and in general, this can have great condemnation among all doctors. The principle that all patients are equal works in the country, and everyone is provided with high-quality care and treatment.
The best hospitals for medical tourism:
- Jewish Hospital named after Albert Einstein (Sao Paulo);
- Sociedade Hospital Samaritano (Sao Paulo);
- Hospital de Coracao (Sao Paulo).
Medicine for foreigners
In Brazil, you will receive medical care at a high level, even if you are a foreigner. In a critical situation, no one will demand money or insurance from you. They will help you and bring you to a normal state of life. You will be able to get free medical care if you have any health problems. However, once your condition stabilizes, you will need insurance to continue your rehabilitation or you will be required to pay for services.
If you do not have insurance, here is the approximate cost of services:
- doctor's consultation: $110;
- x-ray: $10;
- surgery to remove appendicitis: $230;
- blood test: $15.
Advantages of treatment in Brazil:
1. incredible cosmetic surgeons;
2. accreditation of JCI doctors;
3. modern medical infrastructure;
4. various tourist destinations.
1. more than half of the population does not speak English, only Portuguese;
2. a long road to the country;
3. high level of crime;
4. chaotic traffic on the country's streets.
Medical insurance
For your safety, you should take out a medical insurance policy before traveling to the country. All foreigners arriving in the country for up to 90 days must have health insurance.
Requirements for insurance:
• the policy must be drawn up in Russian or English;
• the contract must specify Brazil as the country of insurance;
• the duration of the contract must cover the entire period of stay in the country;
• the insurance should cover the following risks: provision of a medical emergency or urgent care within the country, inpatient treatment in medical facilities, and medical evacuation from the country.
Visa to Brazil
To undergo treatment in Brazil, you need to open a temporary visa (Visto Temporário). For Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan, there is a possibility of a visa-free regime for 90 days. If your country is not on this list, or you need to extend your visa, then you need to collect documents.
Documents for obtaining a visa:
- Black and white or color photo 5x5 cm.
- Passport
- Air tickets
- Work certificate
- Certificate from the bank and statement of the latest accounts
- Information questionnaire
- Medical insurance.
The country will provide you with high-quality treatment and rehabilitation on favorable terms. Here are high-class specialists who are responsible for each patient from the beginning of treatment to full recovery. You will receive proper care and service without any bribes or other unpleasant methods.
Do's and don'ts in Brazil: 20 tips for safe travel.
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