
Average salary of seafarers on international ships: a detailed guide

Average salary of seafarers on international ships: a detailed guide

The maritime industry offers ample opportunities for professional development and competitive salaries. The average salary of seafarers depends on their position, experience, type of vessel, and route of travel. Find out more about the average salaries of seafarers on international class vessels

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The salaries of seafarers have always aroused interest and remained a mysterious topic for many. This is one of the highest paid professions in the world, with monthly incomes significantly higher than those in many other onshore industries. It is especially profitable to work in the offshore industry, where salaries reach the highest levels. For example, the captain of a self-lifting barge can earn up to USD 1,000 per day.

On average, a ship's captain or chief engineer earns about USD 12,000 per month. Such incomes make the maritime profession attractive, but they also require a high level of responsibility and professional skills. Earnings can vary depending on the type of vessel, so it is worth considering the specifics of working on tankers and dry cargo ships, where salaries are also quite high.

According to statistics, seafarers in Norway, Singapore, the US and the UAE have the highest average salaries.

In our previous article, we talked about the average salaries in different European countries in 2024. 

How much does an international seafarer earn?

As of August 2024, the average annual salary of an international seafarer in the United States is approximately $62,900. This corresponds to about $30.24 per hour, or $1,209 per week and $5,241 per month.

While international recruitment agencies record annual incomes for seafarers ranging from $21,000 to $136,500, most salaries internationally range between $40,500 and $72,000. Those in the top 10% of the highest paid workers can earn up to $118,000 a year.

A significant wage gap of $31,500 indicates that there are many opportunities for career growth and salary increases. This gap is driven by the employee's skill level, place of work and experience. Thus, there are great prospects for international seafarers to develop professionally and achieve higher incomes.

Learn more about the TOP 6 countries with the best working conditions for expats.

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Salary of seafarers on tankers

Tankers are considered one of the most dangerous vessels in the world, and many seafarers agree. However, this risk is well rewarded. Due to the variety of types of tankers, it is difficult to determine the exact salary for each of them. However, it is possible to identify several main types of tankers and compare the salaries of seafarers working on these vessels.

Monthly salaries for seafarers of different nationalities on tankers may vary depending on the company and working conditions. These amounts may be higher or lower than the actual amounts, as overtime, bonuses, and other additional payments affect the amount of earnings.

Positions such as bosuns, machinists, and mechanics have similar salary ranges. The senior assistant captain, although he holds the highest position in the deck crew, earns slightly less than the head of the engine room. The second mechanic, his colleague in the engine room, also has a high level of income.

Captains typically receive five-figure sums each month, which is one of the highest pay levels in the industry. Cadets have the lowest earnings, but some ships provide them with additional allowances in the form of cash incentives. This can compensate for their initial low salary and encourage further development in the profession.

Salary of seafarers on dry bulk carriers

Tankers are not the only types of vessels that seafarers work on. There are hundreds of different ships in the world, such as container ships, car carriers, dry bulk carriers, general cargo ships, and bulk carriers. Salaries on these vessels vary depending on many factors, including the type of vessel, the seafarer's experience, and working conditions.

Research of information sources from various online communities, websites, conversations with seafarers and collective bargaining agreements show that the level of pay on dry bulk carriers is usually lower than on tankers. However, there are companies that offer competitive salaries on bulk carriers, which can be a serious competitor to tankers.

For officers and engineers, the difference in salaries between working on tankers and bulk carriers can range from USD 300 to USD 1,000 per month. This is a significant amount, which is often a decisive factor when choosing the type of vessel to work on. Therefore, it is important for seafarers to carefully research working conditions and pay levels to choose the best option for their career.

Average salary of seafarers depending on their position

In 2024, the salary of seafarers on international ships remains one of the most competitive in the field of maritime employment. Salaries depend on several factors, such as the type of vessel, level of experience, place of work, and the specifics of the job. However, the main criterion remains the position of a seafarer.

Captain and chief engineer

Ship captains and chief engineers hold the highest positions on board and, accordingly, receive the highest salaries. The average monthly income of a captain can reach between $10,000 and $15,000, while senior mechanics earn approximately $9,000 to $12,000 per month.

First mate and second mate

The first mate and second mate are key figures on the ship, which affects their salaries. On average, these specialists can expect a monthly income of $6,000 - $8,000.

Other officers and engineers

Second and third officers, as well as junior engineers, earn between $4,000 and $6,000 per month, depending on the type of vessel and the length of the contract.

Skilled seafarers and technicians

Skilled seafarers, such as bosuns, engineers and electricians, can expect to earn between $3,000 and $5,000 per month.


Cadets, who are just starting their career at sea, are the lowest paid category. Their salary usually ranges from $1,000 to $1,500 per month, depending on the terms of the contract and the type of vessel.

It is important to keep in mind that, regardless of their position, all seafarers receive bonuses to their basic salary for irregular working hours, work in hazardous conditions, voyage duration, etc. 

We remind you! There are more than 250 countries in the world, each of which is developing thanks to the available resources. However, some countries occupy leading positions in the ranking of the richest countries in the world due to the welfare of their citizens and economic development. Read more about the richest countries in the world in 2024.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

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asked questions

What is the average salary of a captain on international ships?

The average salary of a captain on international ships can vary from $8,000 to $15,000 per month, depending on the type of ship and the company that hires him.

How much does a chief engineer earn per month?

Do seafarers receive additional salary supplements?

How do seafarers' salaries differ on different types of vessels?

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