
Pros and cons of moving to Vietnam in 2024

Viet Nam
Pros and cons of moving to Vietnam in 2024

According to a study by InterNations, Vietnam ranked 14th among the best countries for emigration. This high rating was achieved due to the affordable cost of living, employment opportunities, and quality healthcare. Learn more about the pros and cons of moving to Vietnam in 2024

Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move
Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

Vietnam remains one of the most attractive countries for expats, ranking 14th in the Expat Insider 2023 ranking by InterNations. This is confirmed by the data of the study, which involved 12,000 expats from 172 countries. They evaluated various aspects of life: cost of living, housing affordability, career opportunities, healthcare, and about 50 other important criteria.

Vietnam is characterized by a high level of security, which is a key factor for expats. In addition, the affordable cost of living makes this country even more attractive. Vietnam maintains a leading position in the Personal Finance Index, holding the top spot since 2022. More than three-quarters of respondents highly rated the affordability of living in Vietnam, which is significantly higher than the global average. This is a testament to the favorable living and working conditions that Vietnam offers to foreigners.

Benefits of living in Vietnam

Vietnam is becoming an increasingly popular destination for expats, offering a rich history, beautiful landscapes and vibrant culture. The affordable cost of living attracts many people who want to move to this country. 

Let us consider the main advantages of moving to Vietnam for permanent residence:

1. Economic opportunities. Vietnam's rapid economic growth makes it one of the most powerful economies in Southeast Asia. Expats can find various job opportunities in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, finance and tourism;

2. Affordable cost of living. Compared to many Western countries, Vietnam offers a relatively low cost of living. Accommodation, transportation, food and entertainment are all affordable, allowing you to live a comfortable lifestyle within a reasonable budget;

3. Rich culture. Vietnam boasts a diverse cultural heritage shaped by its history, traditions and various ethnic groups. From the bustling cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to the tranquil countryside, you can immerse yourself in a dynamic blend of ancient customs and modernity;

4. Stunning landscapes. Vietnam is famous for its breathtaking natural landscapes, with picturesque rice terraces, majestic mountains and pristine beaches. Here you can explore UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Ha Long Bay or relax on the beaches of Da Nang;

5. Colorful cuisine. Vietnamese cuisine is known all over the world for its fresh flavors, healthy ingredients and harmonious combination of herbs and spices. Living in Vietnam will allow you to enjoy authentic dishes such as pho, banh mi and fresh seafood;

6. Friendly people. Vietnamese people are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness to foreigners. You can expect to meet friendly locals who will be happy to help you navigate the customs and traditions of the country;

7. A supportive expat community. Vietnam is home to a thriving expat community, especially in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This provides a valuable support network, social activities, and opportunities to connect with people from different backgrounds;

8. Travel opportunities.Vietnam's strategic location in Southeast Asia makes it an ideal base for exploring the region. You can visit the neighboring countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar;

9. Safety. Vietnam is a safe country for expats, with a low rate of violent crime and general respect for foreigners;

10. Convenience. It is easy to navigate in Vietnam, and everyday life is very convenient. You will not have any problems with access to transportation, food, or amenities, as everything you need is close by.

Given these advantages, it is not surprising that Vietnam continues to attract more and more expats from all over the world.

For safe relocation to any country in the world, obtaining citizenship and employment, take the advice of an international lawyer. We help to solve complex and simple issues for your comfort and safety in any part of the world. 

Disadvantages of living in Vietnam

Before you move to Vietnam for permanent residence, you should analyze all the pros and cons of living here, get acquainted with the culture and national characteristics of the people, and communicate with other expats. It is better to apply for a tourist visa first, and you should not rush to buy real estate and a residence permit.

Let's consider the main disadvantages of moving to Vietnam for permanent residence:

1. Pollution. Vietnam faces significant pollution problems, especially in large cities. Air and noise pollution are widespread, and waste management systems need to be improved. Rapid industrialization has resulted in significant air and water pollution in some cities, with Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City ranking among the worst in the world for air quality. These environmental issues can negatively affect your health and quality of life, posing a significant threat to residents;

2. Traffic. Traffic in Vietnam can be chaotic, especially in cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Traffic is often a serious problem, with motorcycles and cars moving in and out of lanes without warning;

3. Language barrier. Vietnamese is the official language, and while many young people speak English, not all have a sufficient level of English. This can make it difficult to communicate with locals, especially if you live in rural areas where English is less common;

4. Bureaucracy. The Vietnamese bureaucracy can be a challenge. Obtaining visas and work permits can be a lengthy and complicated process, which causes frustration for many expats. Administrative procedures often take longer and require more documents compared to Western countries;

5. Cultural differences. Vietnamese culture is quite different from many Western countries, which can create problems for some expats when adapting. From culinary traditions to social norms, there are certain aspects of Vietnamese culture that may take some time to get used to. Vietnamese culture is generally conservative, especially when it comes to sexuality, gender roles, and drug use;

6. High taxes. Vietnam has a high value added tax (VAT) of 10% on most goods and services. Income tax rates for expats can also be quite high, up to 35% for the highest tax bracket;

7. Healthcare issues. Vietnam's healthcare system is still developing and quality healthcare can be difficult to access, especially outside of major cities. You may need to travel abroad for serious medical issues.

Given these cons, it is important to carefully consider your decision to move to Vietnam. While the country offers many attractive opportunities, considering these disadvantages will help you make a more informed decision.

Igor Usyk - Head of Legal Department at Visit World

For safe relocation to Vietnam, obtaining refugee status and employment, use the advice of an international lawyer.

We help to solve complex and simple issues for your comfort and safety in Vietnam.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Vietnam;

Legal advice on immigration to Vietnam;

Travel insurance for foreigners in Vietnam;

Medical insurance all over the world.

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