
The worst cities in Europe for migrants: a new report by the European Commission

The worst cities in Europe for migrants: a new report by the European Commission

The European Commission has created a new report that identifies the 10 worst European cities for immigration. Find out more about which cities are recognised as the most unfavourable for expats

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A study by the European Commission found that Skopje is the least favourable city for immigrants, with a satisfaction rate of only 33%. Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, ranks second in terms of unfavourability (49% of dissatisfied respondents), and Paris ranks third (54% of dissatisfied respondents). Overall, only a third of residents consider their city to be suitable for immigrants. At the same time, northern EU cities are perceived as more favourable to newcomers.

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Top 10 worst European cities for immigration

According to a report by the European Commission, Skopje (Macedonia) was recognised as the least suitable for immigrants, with only 33% of respondents considering it livable. The second most unfavourable place for immigrants is Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, with a dissatisfaction level of 49%, while Paris, France, is third. 54% of respondents consider it unlivable, according to SchengenVisaInfo.com.

According to the survey, 54% of respondents consider Rome (Italy) and Bialystok (Poland) to be excellent places for immigrants to live. Belgrade (Serbia) is also a convenient place for immigration, according to 55% of participants. Verona (Italy) is the least satisfactory city in Europe in terms of satisfaction, although 57% of respondents still consider it livable.

Ljubljana (Slovenia), Podgorica (Montenegro) and Heraklion (Greece) also have a high level of satisfaction, with 58% and 59% of respondents recommending them as good places to immigrate to.

79% of residents of the northern regions consider their cities to be the best for immigrants, reflecting a high level of comfort and readiness to accept other cultures. However, cities in the eastern countries have a slightly lower satisfaction rate, with only 67% considering them the best for immigrants.

Cities in Spain and Portugal stand out among the best for immigrants, with a satisfaction rate of at least 84%. In addition, Gdańsk in Poland, Barcelona in Spain, the Tyneside metropolitan area in the UK and Hamburg in Germany are high on the list, with a satisfaction rate of 87%. These cities offer a variety of opportunities and a welcoming environment for immigrants, making them attractive places to live.

According to the report, Cardiff in the UK is recognised as the most suitable city for immigrants, as 95% of respondents chose it as the best place to live. This city is also considered comfortable for the LGBT community, the elderly and families with children. At the time, Lisbon in Portugal was ranked second with a difference of five percentage points, which is 90%. These cities attract with diversity and hospitality, making them attractive to different categories of people.

Daria Rogova, Head of Insurance at Visit World

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