Traveling to Ukraine: entry rules, required documents, martial law restrictions

During martial law, Ukraine's border is open to foreign citizens. However, those who wish to visit should be aware of the current entry and security rules. Learn more about martial law restrictions, border crossing rules and required documents
The war in Ukraine has been going on for the second year already. The Ukrainian people are heroically defending their land and resisting the Russian occupier. Ukraine is known and talked about all over the world, interest in the country among foreigners is growing. Many people abroad are thinking about a possible trip to Ukraine, as a volunteer, a member of the press, as part of a diplomatic mission, on a private visit or on a short trip.
However, can foreigners enter Ukraine? But will such a trip be safe? Details in our material.
Can foreigners go to Ukraine?
There is no direct ban on trips to Ukraine for foreigners, the border of Ukraine is functioning, entry is allowed to foreigners who have the necessary documents.
Fighting is concentrated in the east and south of Ukraine, in the regions bordering Russia and the temporarily occupied Crimea. However, there is currently no completely safe region in Ukraine, as the threat of rocket fire remains in every region. The degree of threat is different, in certain areas it "arrives" quite often, in other regions no explosions have been heard for several months.
However, it is currently impossible to guarantee 100% security. Everyone decides whether to go or not, because a person is responsible for his own life. However, if a tourist decides to visit Ukraine, it is necessary to strictly observe the basic safety rules.
Read more about the rules for entering Ukraine, immigration, work, study and medical treatment here.
How to travel safely in Ukraine?
A curfew is a time imposed to maintain law and order. During this period, it is forbidden to be outside or in public places. Each region of Ukraine sets its duration independently, but usually it lasts from 11:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. the next day.
Be sure to find out the duration of the curfew in the region of your stay before traveling and strictly observe it.
Air alarm
The authorities of Ukraine and the military always warn about a possible missile attack. The "Air Alarm" signal and special mobile applications are used to inform the population:
"Air alarm" signal - howling of an alarm siren for 30-60 seconds. However, the total duration of the "Air Alarm" signal can be from three to five minutes.
Airborne Alert Mobile App – can be downloaded from Google Play Market or AppStore to receive instant airborne alert alerts in your selected locality.
What to do during rocket fire?
If you heard the signal "Airborne alarm" or received a corresponding notification in the application, take the "alarm suitcase" with you and immediately go to the shelter. It is impossible to stay in entrances, under arches and on staircases, in the basements of panel houses, near automobile equipment, gas stations and under the walls of buildings made of light structures.
Make each of your routes taking into account the availability of the nearest shelters.
If there is no shelter nearby, follow the "two walls" rule, when you are separated from danger by at least 2 walls. Because one will probably collapse from the impact, and the second will take on the fragments of the wall, window glass, etc. Sit in the corner of the room below window level. There should be a wall in front of you. It is not recommended to hide in the kitchen, as there are many fragile objects, and in the bathroom, if there is a mirror.
If the threat of rocket fire caught you on the street, then you need to lie down on the ground where there is a ledge, or at least in a small depression. Protection can be provided by concrete structures, shallow underground wells, wide drainpipes and ditches.
It is possible to leave the shelter only after receiving the "air alarm sound" notification (signal or message in the application).
How to prepare for a trip to Ukraine?
Before traveling to Ukraine:
- Check whether the Embassy of your country is working, write down its contacts and address and keep them in quick access.
- Make electronic copies of documents.
- When choosing a hotel, pay attention to the availability of bomb shelters.
- Inform family and friends about your route and keep in touch with them.
- Will take out medical insurance.
List of documents for entry into Ukraine
A valid foreign passport, it must be valid for the entire period of stay in Ukraine. Citizens of Turkey and Georgia can enter Ukraine on the basis of an ID card.
Absence of a decision of the authorized state body of Ukraine to ban entry to Ukraine for this citizen.
Having an entry visa, if the country does not have a visa-free regime.
Confirmation of the purpose of the planned stay - documents on family ties with a citizen of Ukraine, notarized invitation from citizens of Ukraine, invitation to work, study, confirmation of reservation, etc.
Availability of sufficient financial support for the entire period of the planned stay and for returning to the country of origin.
Please note that any document must be in English or have an English translation in order for the Border Guard to be able to read it.
Restrictions on martial law
A state of martial law is in effect in Ukraine, so citizens and guests of the country must observe a certain number of restrictions and follow a number of rules:
Always keep your documents with you.
Officials have the right to check documents, conduct a superficial inspection of a person and a car if necessary.
It is strictly forbidden to touch suspicious objects.
It is strictly forbidden to take photos and videos at checkpoints, near military units, medical facilities, administrative buildings and other strategic objects.
Follow the rules of behavior at roadblocks.
Checkpoints - mobile checkpoints are installed at the entrance and exit from regions, districts, cities and villages. Documents will be checked at checkpoints and cars will be inspected. Military or police officers may ask you several questions about your route and purpose of travel. When approaching a roadblock, drivers must reduce speed and prepare documents for a possible inspection. Note that the dash cam must be turned off and removed from the windshield, just like the phone.
Compliance with these rules will make your trip to Ukraine safer.
Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:
Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Ukraine;
Legal advice on business and immigration issues in Ukraine;
Travel and medical insurance for foreigners in Ukraine;
Insurance for foreign students in Ukraine.
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