
In which countries is it easiest to obtain dual citizenship, and which countries prohibit having a second passport?

Residence permit
In which countries is it easiest to obtain dual citizenship, and which countries prohibit having a second passport?

More than 120 modern countries allow their residents to hold dual citizenship. This status provides many advantages, including the removal of visa restrictions, tax benefits for businesses, and employment opportunities. Find out more about which countries are the easiest to obtain dual citizenship in 2024 and which countries prohibit having a second passport

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Order a consultation with a migration specialist to avoid unpleasant situations during the move

As of the beginning of 2024, dual citizenship is recognized in 49% of countries around the world. You can get a second passport in different ways: by getting married, confirming family ties with a citizen of the country, going through the naturalization process, or participating in one of the investment programs.

Each state has its conditions for acquiring citizenship, so depending on the country, you will need a different amount of time to become a bi-patriot.

 In which countries is it easiest to get a second passport in 2024? We will tell you in our today's article.

In the previous article, we told you that Italy has simplified the procedure for obtaining citizenship by descent.

What is multiple citizenship?

Multiple citizenship, or multipatriotism, means that a person is recognized as a citizen of several countries under the laws of these countries. This is a status that gives a person the opportunity to enjoy rights and fulfill obligations in each of the countries of which he or she is a citizen. To ensure such rights, states enter into bilateral agreements that regulate the issue of multiple citizenship.

In some countries, the concept of citizenship is more related to participation in domestic political life, while nationality determines the international status of a person. Multiple citizenship opens up numerous opportunities for its holders, but legal conflicts may arise, for example, in the performance of military or other duties established by the laws of different countries.

For states, multiple citizenship is a way to keep in touch with the diaspora and attract investment. For people with dual citizenship, it is an opportunity to choose where to serve in the military, pay taxes, and use healthcare and education systems. It also allows them to move freely, do business internationally, receive education abroad, and participate in the political life of several countries.

Which countries are the easiest to obtain citizenship in?

Dual citizenship grants a person the status of officially belonging to two states, which provides him or her with rights and obligations in both countries. This opens up the possibility of choosing the best living conditions and exercising your rights. However, it is important to know which countries allow dual citizenship to avoid possible legal problems, such as fines or criminal prosecution for violating the relevant laws. A thorough study of this issue will help you safely enjoy all the benefits of dual citizenship.


Grenada is one of the easiest countries to obtain citizenship. The process takes only three months and does not even require the applicant's personal presence. However, when applying, it is necessary to indicate key family members, such as parents, spouses, siblings, grandparents. 

There are two main ways to obtain citizenship. The first option involves a donation of at least USD 150,000 to the Grenada National Transformation Fund, which increases to USD 200,000 if the family consists of four people. The second option is to invest USD 220,000 in local real estate for five years.


Ireland is one of the most attractive countries for obtaining citizenship by descent. This option allows citizens to explore their roots back up to three generations. This means that if your great-grandparents were Irish citizens, you are eligible for Irish citizenship. 

However, in order to take advantage of this opportunity, it is important that your grandparents officially registered their birth in Ireland and were citizens of this country. The Irish government carefully checks this information to confirm your eligibility for citizenship. 


In Mexico, foreigners are granted the right to apply for citizenship after five years of residence in the country. However, if you have Mexican ancestry, this period is reduced to two years. This period can also be reduced to two years if you have a spouse or children of Mexican descent or if you have made a significant contribution to the country's development in the social, artistic, sporting or cultural spheres. 

To obtain citizenship, you must be proficient in Spanish and have knowledge of the culture and history of Mexico. 


Canada has a significant number of foreigners due to its favorable policy towards migrants and the numerous opportunities offered by the country. To apply for citizenship, you must have lived in Canada for at least 1095 days within a five-year period and have permanent resident status. 

An additional requirement is to pay income tax for three of the five years of residence. The applicant must be proficient in English or French and demonstrate knowledge of Canadian law, institutions, values and history.


Malta, an English-speaking country in Europe with a mild climate and attractive business environment, is a popular destination for those seeking favorable tax conditions. To apply for Maltese citizenship, you must have lived in the country for at least 12 months. 

One of the most effective ways to obtain Maltese citizenship is through investment. The applicant must contribute at least EUR 650,000 to the state national development fund, purchase real estate worth at least EUR 350,000 or rent housing with an annual rental cost of EUR 16,000 for five 

years. In addition, you need to invest 150,000 euros in government bonds or shares.


To obtain a residence permit in Peru, you need to fulfill one of several conditions: enroll in a local school, start your own business, or demonstrate the ability to receive a monthly income of more than $1,000 from a pension or investment. After obtaining a residence permit, you must live in the country for two years before you can apply for citizenship. 

One of the requirements for obtaining a Peruvian passport is to pass a Spanish language test. Sometimes an applicant may need to adapt his or her name in accordance with Spanish traditions. However, Peru also allows for dual citizenship, which is a significant advantage for those who do not want to give up their previous citizenship.


Singapore is an attractive country for those seeking new citizenship. The high level of development and stable economic growth make Singapore an ideal place to live and do business. To obtain a permanent residence permit in Singapore, you need to get a job, start your own business or get married to a citizen of the country. 

After two years of residence in the country with a permanent residence permit, a person can apply for citizenship. However, it is important to note that there are certain investment requirements when applying.


Portugal offers an excellent opportunity for those seeking to obtain citizenship through investment through the golden visa program. This residence permit is issued for five years and allows you to live, work and enter the country freely with your dependents. Although Portugal does not grant direct citizenship for investment, holding a golden visa is an important step towards citizenship.

To obtain a golden visa, you must meet one of the following conditions: transfer at least EUR 1 million to an approved account, create at least 10 new jobs, invest EUR 280,000 in real estate reconstruction or EUR 400,000 in regions with low population density. It is also possible to invest 350,000 euros in a Portuguese company that creates permanent jobs for five years.

New Zealand

New Zealand is a developed country with a progressive immigration policy that provides travelers with the opportunity to obtain permanent residence and, subsequently, citizenship. The skilled migration program is particularly popular, offering potential residents a chance to stay in the country legally. The main criteria for participating in this program are age under 55, relevant qualifications and experience in a demanded field.


Australia is one of the most attractive countries for those planning to change their place of residence. Thanks to numerous programs, everyone has the opportunity to obtain a resident visa, for example, through study or employment. If you are considering moving to Australia for work, it is important to note that you must be under 50 years old and have relevant experience in the field of interest. If you meet these criteria, you will be able to apply for a resident visa, which is the first step towards permanent residence in the country.

For safe relocation to any country in the world, obtaining citizenship and employment, use the advice of an international lawyer. We help to solve complex and simple issues for your comfort and safety in any part of the world. 

Citizenship by naturalization

To obtain a second passport by naturalization, a foreigner needs to live in the country officially for a certain period of time. The minimum period will depend on the legislation of the state.

Usually, the procedure consists of several stages: for example, you first obtain a temporary immigration visa for 1.5-4 years, then apply for a residence permit, and after a few years you can apply for permanent residence or citizenship.

The decision-making process takes into account the availability of a permanent job, the absence of problems with the law, and knowledge of the language, history, and culture. In this way, a person confirms that he or she has integrated into society.

Top 10 countries with the fastest naturalization procedure:

1. Argentina - 2 years

2. Paraguay - 3 years

3. Uruguay - 3 or 5 years (depending on marital status)

4. USA - 3-5 years

5. Brazil - 4 years

6. Portugal - 5 years

7. Sweden - 5 years

8. Canada - 6 years

9. Norway - 7 years 

10. Denmark - 7 years

You can learn more about Caribbean Citizenship by Investment, which Caribbean countries offer citizenship by investment in 2024 and what are their benefits by following the link.

Citizenship by descent and repatriation

Many countries have a law where a foreigner can obtain a passport if he or she can prove that he or she has relatives who are citizens of that state (for example, one of the parents). This procedure is called citizenship by descent.

You can also obtain citizenship after returning to your historical homeland (by repatriation). For example, a passport is issued to those who have a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent who is a citizen of the state, even if they were born outside the country.

Bulgaria and Poland have simplified programs for obtaining second citizenship through repatriation. It takes only a year to obtain a passport in these countries, and, for example, the simplified Polish repatriation program requires proof of kinship only to the fourth generation: great-grandparents. 

Israel and Italy are also considered to be countries where it is easy to get a passport if you can trace your ancestry. One of the requirements is that the ancestors have never lost their citizenship or acquired another.

Armenia, Hungary, Ireland, Great Britain, Romania, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Greece, and Germany also allow for a simplified procedure to obtain citizenship by descent (participation in the German repatriation program takes more than two years).

Another advantage is that repatriation is inexpensive. You can become a repatriate in Bulgaria for about 3000 euros; in Romania, 2500 euros. It is also not necessary to live in the country and know the language.

Citizenship by place of birth

The procedure according to which a child born in a country can obtain citizenship.

Argentina is the most popular country for obtaining citizenship by birth. Its laws allow not only the child but also the parents to obtain a passport. The child becomes a citizen automatically, the parents - after 4-9 months of permanent residence. 

In Uruguay, a child can become a citizen if the parents remain in the country for 3 months after birth. 

Canada also recognizes citizenship by birth. The only way for parents to become citizens is through naturalization. 

Other countries with a quick and easy procedure for obtaining citizenship at birth include Barbados, Costa Rica, Fiji, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, and Peru.

Citizenship by marriage

You can get a passport after you have married a citizen of the country. The period of cohabitation will depend on the state in which the marriage is registered. For example, in Italy, you need to live together officially for at least two years, in Spain for a year, and in Switzerland for as long as 6 years.

Argentina has approved the easiest way to obtain citizenship through marriage. You can apply for a passport the very next day after the wedding.

Brazil, Spain, and Belize (after 1 year of marriage), Italy, Mexico, Colombia (after 2 years of marriage), Uruguay, Greece, Poland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Slovenia, the United States, and the United Kingdom (after 3 years of marriage) also grant citizenship to foreign spouses of their residents.

However, keep in mind that countries introduce additional checks to prevent passports from being issued to those who enter into fictitious marriages.

Citizenship for investment and exceptional merit

A passport can be obtained for contributions to the arts, sciences, or sports. For example, in the UAE, citizenship is granted to investors, scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, and their family members.

Some countries issue passports for investments in the economy. In this case, you do not need to live in the country permanently or pass a language and history exam.

In the Caribbean and Oceania, citizenship applications can be submitted online. The fastest way to obtain citizenship is in Vanuatu - on average, it takes 1-2 months, provided that you invest at least $100,000 in the country's economy. 

Citizenship of Malta is possible on the basis of exceptional merit through direct investment of at least 690,000 euros. 

Turkish citizenship can be obtained by investing $400,000 in real estate. Foreigners can also invest in a business, open a bank deposit, purchase government bonds or investment fund shares for the amount of 500 thousand dollars or more. The processing time for the Turkey CBI program is 3 to 6 months. A foreigner can return the invested money three years after receiving a Turkish passport.

Also, by investing, you can quickly become a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, Dominica, and Grenada.

In most countries, you are allowed to move with your family.

To learn more about the best countries that offer expats favorable conditions for obtaining citizenship for investment in 2024, please follow the link.

Which countries prohibit dual citizenship?

58 countries, including Ukraine, do not recognize dual citizenship

Among the European countries, dual citizenship is not allowed in Monaco, Norway, Slovakia, Montenegro, Austria, Estonia, the Netherlands, San Marino, Andorra, and Liechtenstein.

The ban on dual passports is in effect in such Asian countries as Azerbaijan, China, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Laos, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mongolia, Oman, India, Nepal, Bahrain, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, North Korea, Georgia, Iran, the UAE, and Qatar.

Dual citizenship is not allowed in a number of African countries: Ethiopia, Djibouti, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tanzania, Libya, Mozambique, Guinea, Malawi, Swaziland, Liberia, Rwanda, Mauritania, Eritrea, Lesotho, Togo, Madagascar.

We remind you! Dual citizenship is very popular among foreigners all over the world. Currently, 49% of countries recognize bipatriots. Read more about these countries, as well as the citizens of which countries are not eligible for dual citizenship at all.

Igor Usyk - Head of Migration department at VisitWorld

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