Social benefits for pensioners in Europe. What kind of pension do foreigners receive

Many foreign senior citizens go to European countries on residence permit. After all, they are attracted by high social benefits and a better standard of living. Almost all highly developed countries take care of pensioners and provide them with a normal old age. However, in order to receive high pensions in another country, it is necessary to fulfil all conditions and comply with all laws. The level of pensions in each state is determined by several factors:
- decrease in birth rate;
- growth of unemployment;
- reduction of enrolments in the social insurance fund;
- work experience and salary level.
Let's consider several European countries and compare social benefits in these countries.
In order to count on the minimum pension in Spain, you need to have at least 15 years of work experience and be registered in the social security system. Usually people retire here at the age of 65-66. The minimum pension in this country is 9,081 euros per year. Last year, the average pension in Spain amounted to about 1,008 euros per month. Also, local pensioners and foreigners have discounts on purchases in shopping centres and supermarkets, on medicines and medical care, education, recreation and entertainment.
Here, social benefits are not as high as in Spain, and the conditions here are tougher. On average, pensioners here receive 540 euros. However, prices for accommodation, food and other household items are much lower here. Therefore, in general, this pension is enough for all needs. However, in order to receive a pension here, you need to have a working experience of 30 years, and to retire at 66. Those who have lived in Portugal for at least 15 years receive a minimum pension of 282 euros. Foreigners who came to the country for permanent residence and lived here legally for 7 years can receive a social pension. However, the amount of this assistance is 210 euros per month, and it is almost not enough for anything.
In Italy, the retirement age starts at 27. To receive a pension, the minimum length of service must be 38 years. You can retire early, but at the age of 42. The minimum pension in Italy is about 750 euros per month. The average amount of social benefits is almost 1,200 euros per month.
The system of social benefits in France differs slightly from other countries. There are two types of pensions: basic and cumulative). The length of service for a pension must be 41 years. There are many different programs that can help you increase your pay-outs. Foreigners who plan to live out their old age in this country must have the appropriate work experience and legal employment in the country. If you have fulfilled all the conditions and reached the corresponding retirement age, you can receive a pension of 903 euros per month. For other people, there is a "solidarity pension" in the amount of 800 euros per month, which is a sufficient amount for a certain old age. The average pension in the country reaches 1,500 euros per month. Therefore, all residents of France, including pensioners, have a high standard of living in the country and a secure old age.
In Germany, the receipt of social benefits is affected by gender, men receive a higher pension. Age at the end of employment (65 in France), pension taxes, place of residence and economic situation in the country are also taken into account. There is no minimum pension here. But those who have not earned a pension can receive social assistance in the amount of 416 euros. The state also covers part of the cost of housing and other important expenses.
Almost all countries have general requirements for receiving social benefits: these are several years of legal work in the country, required work experience, reaching retirement age and paying taxes to the country's fund.
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