Work and employment in South Africa: Features of employment in the republic, types of work visas
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The Republic of South Africa (South Africa) is an industrial-agrarian country and the most economically developed country in Africa. The main component of the country's economic development is its industry, which brings South Africa to the top of the world rankings on the level of competitiveness.
South Africa's leading industries are:
•rade - 13.1%;
•tourism - 10%;
•mining - 8.1%;
•agriculture - 3.2%.
•garment industry - 90% (domestic market).
Mineral extraction defines a special place in South Africa among the developed countries of the world, for which it plays the role of a supplier of valuable minerals. The first place in this field is occupied by gold. Gold companies receive huge additional revenues, as South Africa remains one of the leading producers of this most valuable resource today.
There are also opportunities in medicine, construction, information technology, finance, engineering, and architecture. An important aspect is an experience and high qualifications, especially in technical professions.
Features of employment in South Africa
Although South Africa's economy is mainly developing in a technical, industrial direction, the main problem is the unequal distribution of income among the local population. Thanks to the World Cup in 2010 South Africa built a good infrastructure, and investment and the economy began to grow, the average earnings of the population, housing, and food prices are moderate, and in most regions the climate is comfortable.
South Africa has a high level of unemployment (about 30%), and poverty, which leads to frequent strikes. There are also problems with corruption and crime. In the field of unskilled labor finding a job is unreal. This market is fully occupied by the local population, Africans. Because of the fairly good level of education in the country, young Africans migrate in search of a better life. This frees up skilled jobs and opens up job opportunities for foreign applicants, although the authorities are trying to provide jobs for their citizens. Therefore, foreigners have the right to take a vacancy if there are no local applicants for the position.
To migrate for work in South Africa you need to find an employer, sign a labor contract, and apply to the African diplomatic agency for a work visa one and a half months before your planned departure. All applications are reviewed by the South African Department of Labor and approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
There are 11 official languages in South Africa. Of course, it is not necessary to learn all of them. The main task of the applicant is to have a good command of English and ideally have an understanding of one of the African dialects, depending on the region of immigration.
Types of work visas in South Africa
Depending on the type of work visa, the documentation requirements may vary slightly. South African authorities have provided a significant list of work visas, including separate types for retirees and entrepreneurs. Let's consider the main types of visas, that allow us to work officially in South Africa.
•General work visas. General work visas for employment in South Africa are issued to foreign workers for the duration of the contract, but a maximum of five years. Compulsory requirements are no candidates for the job among South African citizens and permanent residents of the country, recognition of qualifications, and a level of pay not below the national average.
•Critical skills visas. The visa is issued to qualified foreign specialists with at least 5 years of work experience in a scarce profession in South Africa, i.e. where there is a significant shortage of personnel among the locals. The peculiarity of the visa is the ability to search for a vacancy within 12 months directly in South Africa and the right to move with a foreigner's close family members. The maximum validity of the visa – is 5 years, the document allows for future permanent residence in South Africa.
•Intra-company visas. This visa is issued to employees of international companies in case of transfer to branches or representative offices operating on the territory of South Africa. The maximum period of validity is 4 years, allowing the family to be picked up. An extension of this visa type is not provided.
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