Features of residence and rules for obtaining citizenship in the Gambia. Work and residence permit

The Gambia is one of the smallest and most densely populated African countries. Its territory occupies only 11.3 thousand square kilometers, and the population is two million people. This semi-enclave state is located in the western part of the mainland. The Gambia is surrounded by Senegal from three sides, and on the fourth side, it borders the Atlantic Ocean.
Characteristics of the Gambia and peculiarities of life in the country
Compared to most West African countries, the Gambia is considered to be relatively stable socially and politically. Nevertheless, it is among the poorest countries in the world with a GNI per capita of about 1.5 thousand dollars. The poverty rate in the country is about 48%. The poor economy and food security is periodically affected by natural conditions such as drought and floods.
The economy of the Gambia is highly dependent on agriculture. The country does not have significant mineral or other natural resources and has a limited agricultural base. The livelihood of the majority of the population depends on the cultivation of agricultural crops, in particular peanuts, and livestock. Industry is weak. But tourism is developing rapidly, providing an influx of currency into the country.
In general, the Gambia is considered safe for expats. Gambians are usually friendly and welcoming. When communicating with local residents, it is important to take into account that they have a special system of symbols highlighting the social status of the interlocutor, as well as a clear differentiation of society according to genus or caste. The Gambia is a Muslim country, women are encouraged to dress and behave appropriately.
To enter the Gambia, regardless of the purpose of the trip, you need to apply for a visa. It is issued for up to 90 days. If you are planning a trip to the country, then the ideal option is to buy a checklist (hyperlink).
To obtain a visa, you must prepare the following documents:
· a questionnaire with personal information;
· a foreign passport, the validity of which is not less than the intended stay in the Gambia;
· a medical certificate;
· 2 photos.
Work and residence permit in the Gambia
If a non-resident plans to live in the Gambia, for example, for the purpose of work, he needs to draw up and annually renew the following documents:
· a work or residence permit;
· a foreigner’s identity card for himself and for each of his dependents aged 18 and over;
· a resident card.
There are several types of residence permits:
· Type A is for residents only and is issued to foreign retirees and international students.
· Type B is issued for employment and is used by citizens of the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS) and other foreign nationals who work in the Gambia in qualified positions and in companies.
· Type C is issued to skilled workers and small traders.
How to get Gambian citizenship
There are several ways to become a Gambian citizen.
By birth – this citizenship is applied to children born anywhere, when at least one of the parents is a citizen of the Gambia.
For naturalization – it is important to comply with several conditions:
· candidates for citizenship must have resided in the country for fifteen years;
· naturalization is granted to people who can prove that they understand the language, customs and traditions of the society;
· candidates must have a positive character and behavior, they must not have a criminal record;
· non-residents must be able to provide themselves and their families for living in the country;
· spouses of citizens of the Gambia who have been living in the country for seven years after marriage;
· former spouses, who were married to a citizen of the Gambia and after the termination of the marriage have permanently resided in the country for at least seven years, can become citizens of the Gambia;
· minor children can be automatically naturalized when one of their parents acquires citizenship.
Unlike other countries, the Gambia does not provide for the issuance of citizenship to children adopted by Gambians, or to children living in the Gambia whose parents are unknown. Keep in mind that in order to obtain Gambian citizenship, you will have to give up the passport of another country. The Gambia does not allow dual citizenship for naturalized persons.
Contacts and phones
Gambia International Organization for Migration – phone: +41 22 717 9111 website
Ambulance – 116
Fire service– 118
Police – 117
Police hotline – +2204-224914 website.
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