
Work and employment in Gabon. How to get a job in Gabon

Work and employment in Gabon. How to get a job in Gabon

Gabon is a state located in Central Africa on the Atlantic coast and is considered the most economically stable country. The level of Gabon's economy over the past 10 years has almost doubled, which was facilitated by an increase in oil and gas exports. Currently, Gabon is one of the 20 largest African countries in terms of GDP and has strong trade ties with the US, China, and Canada.

Gabon offers excellent job opportunities for highly skilled workers in oil and gas, at every stage of their careers. It is the country's main source of income and the largest sector. The political system here is stable and the country is prospering well. Health and education systems are also quite developed, but private services are still recommended. Gabon is generally a safe country, but it's best to follow your employer's advice on how to avoid getting into trouble, especially in certain areas of the city.

The minimum wage as of 2022 is $255. The average salary ranges from $470. Given the relatively inexpensive prices for products and services in this African state, this is quite a good income.


Jobs in Gabon: job guide

For foreign residents, you can find a job in Gabon by leaving your resume on specialized sites and platforms. Agencies for work abroad will also help you to find a job. Basic requirements for the applicant:

education corresponding to specialization;

work experience;

knowledge of French.

Jobs in Gabon can be related to different areas of activity, such as:


industry (woodworking, gold mining, oil refining, etc.);

food production;

tourism industry;

services sector.

One of the most necessary, but at the same time risky in all African countries, is the profession of doctors in various branches of medicine. There are jobs for doctors in Gabon, but the main requirement is a high level of qualification.

Thanks to natural and cultural resources, tourism in Gabon is developing at a significant pace. The African country attracts tourists with its beaches, waterfalls, national parks, and cultural heritage. The professions of private guides and guides with knowledge of several foreign languages are in demand here.

Many vacancies can be found for the position of translators in English, French, and other languages. At the same time, the skills of working as an interpreter or translator are welcome.

Almost no one speaks English in Gabon, as it is one of the French-speaking countries in which French is the official language. Immigrants can also work as English tutors in preparatory schools or kindergartens, as well as privately teach residents how to communicate correctly and effectively.


How to get a job in Gabon: useful information

Foreign nationals planning to work in Gabon will need a work permit issued by their employer. In addition, you need to open a work visa. The main point: before applying for a work visa to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Gabon, it is important to have a guaranteed job. Basic documents and requirements for a work visa:

1. A valid foreign passport, valid for at least 6 months from the moment you entered Gabon.

2. Passport size photos – 4 pieces.

3. Two copies of the identification code.

4. Questionnaire completed by the applicant.

5. Education documents (copy of the diploma).

6. Original and copy of working permit.

7. Original and copy of the employment contract with the employer.

8. A letter from the employer detailing the reasons why it is necessary to hire a foreign citizen.

9. Original and copy of yellow fever vaccination certificate.

10. Negative HIV test, original and photocopy.

11. Having insurance, especially in the context of COVID-19, is a mandatory document. You can buy insurance with one click on the website, as well as get insurance with covid coverage.

In addition to the main list, the embassy may require additional documents. Solving all issues related to finding a job, doing business abroad, and obtaining a visa to Gabon does not take much time if you turn to special experts for help. You can get legal advice (Work/Business) on the website.


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